Chapter 35

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Harry hefted his sword and swung at Percy, which was his first mistake.

Who was he to challenge this demigod before him? Percy was one of the best swordsmen of all time, possibly the best in current existence. The son of Poseidon had been training since he was twelve, for about seven years. Harry had barely a year of training under his belt.

Yet he had just engaged in a swordfight with the half-blood.

In the corner of his eye, Harry saw Hermione and Ginny fighting Annabeth, who was using both her sword and knife. Behind Harry, Ron had taken out his bow and was aiding Harry with Percy.

The black-haired boy easily ducked under Harry's swing, bringing his own sword around and smacking the hilt of it into Harry's back. Harry stumbled and heard an arrow shoot by him and turned, seeing Percy dodge an arrow sent by Ron. He began to move toward Ron but Harry jumped in between them, swiping at Percy again.

Percy blocked with Riptide and pushed against their clashed swords. The sword had never felt completely right in Harry's hands and it was too heavy for him to resist. He was sent stumbling backward again.

This time Percy came at Harry, and The Boy Who Lived could barely defend himself. Percy bombarded him with swing after swing with skill that Harry just didn't have. It wasn't long before he missed a strike and Percy's sword cut through Harry's sleeve, leaving a long cut down his arm. Harry hissed at the pain but kept his grip on his sword.

While he was distracted, Percy failed to dodge an arrow from Ron. The arrowhead sliced across his back, ripping through his shirt and opening the skin on his back. Percy growled, kicking Harry down and stalking after Ron.

Ron fired arrow after arrow at Percy while Harry struggled to his feet. He was already exhausted—he wasn't used to fighting this intensely with weapons. Most of Ron's arrows Percy rolled under or slipped around, but one nicked his cheek.

Soon enough, Percy stood right in front of Ron, too close for him to use his bow. Ron whimpered and ducked under Percy's sword, running to reach Harry. Percy grabbed the back of his shirt, yanked the bow and quiver of arrows from him, and tossed Ron away. He hit the ground hard.

Harry's attention was turned back to Percy as the enraged demigod focused on him again. He snapped the bow and dropped the arrows and spun his sword in his hand, running at Harry.

Harry rolled to the side and stood up. He blocked Percy's swing and returned with one of his own, but Percy was too skilled for him. Percy locked swords with him, twisted his blade around Harry's, and disarmed him. The sword clattered to the ground and Percy kicked it away, pointing his sword at Harry's chest.

Harry glanced over at the other fight, cursing when he saw that both Hermione and Ginny had been disarmed as well. Annabeth had her sword and dagger pointed at them. They were defeated.

By now Harry noticed that they had a crowd. Every camper was gathered around the arena, watching. Nymphs and satyrs peered out of the woods. Chiron was in the middle of the arena talking, but the blood pumping in Harry's ears prevented him from hearing the centaur's words. He was probably trying to stop them.

But Harry didn't want to be stopped. And he remembered one area of combat in which he was much more skilled than his opponent.


Harry pulled his wand from his pocket, yelling, "Stupefy!"

Even though magic didn't work as well on demigods as it did on wizards, Harry's anger fueled the spell. Percy was thrown backward several feet.

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