Chapter 28

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"You're not from the American wizarding school," Hermione said, now standing and leaning on Ron, still pale. "I researched it. They're sorted into houses. They do things almost exactly like us, not at all as you said. And there is no such thing as Olympus's School of Magic. Who are you, really?"

"You're right, we're not from the American wizarding school," Annabeth said.

I laughed nervously. "Uh, Professor Jameson, would you like to start?" I asked.

She nodded and moved to stand beside us, but I could have sworn I saw her roll her eyes. I chose to ignore it.

"Witches and wizards, the world is stranger than you could possibly think it is," Hecate said.

"Stranger than people waving around sticks and saying weird words and using magic?" a disrespectful Slytherin said.

Hecate glared at him and uttered one word: "Much."

Professor McGonagall came over and stood by us. "Before Professor Jameson continues, I would instruct all of you to listen very carefully, and pay very close attention. All of you have accepted our world, you can accept this one. Listen to the entire story before you react."

The whispers continued, but Harry's eyes never left mine once. I almost wanted to hide from him, but Annabeth's arm around my waist calmed me and I stood my ground.

"You all know that the history of magic goes back centuries," Hecate said in full godly-speech mode. "In fact, it goes back millennia. Back to ancient times, with the Greeks and eventually the Romans. I assume all of you have heard at least a few stories of the Ancient Greeks. The gods, like Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades, as well as the demigods like Heracles, Perseus, and Jason." There were a few murmurs, indicating that some people understood what Hecate was talking about—most likely the muggleborns. "I am here to tell you that every one of those stories is true."

Gasps. Snorts. Laughs. Joking comments. All floated through the air, but the four of us who faced the ignorant wizards didn't make a sound. Eventually, they noticed that we weren't laughing.

Hecate resumed. "All of the Greek and Roman gods, the Olympians, the minor gods—all of them—are still alive. So are all the creatures—the nymphs, centaurs, satyrs, even the monsters. They never died out like you were all led to believe, they were never myths. They are real. They have followed western civilization for centuries, always situating themselves at its height. Currently, that spot is America."

It seemed like the wizards were believing the story, because someone shouted out, "What do Percy and Annabeth have to do with any of that?"

"Demigods are still alive, too," Hecate said, and no one said anything. She sighed. "The offspring of a mortal and a god." Still nothing. "For goodness sake, Percy and Annabeth are demigods! They're half-god!"

That got a reaction—the room was suddenly filled with shouting.

"That's not possible!"

"They don't look like gods at all!"

"Wouldn't they be wearing togas?"

"What do you have to do with it?"

The last question caught Hecate's attention, and she perked up. With a wave of her wand, she cut off the sound. "What do I have to do with it?" she repeated. "Why, everything. I am your creator."

And then she shed her disguise. Hecate's wizard robes changed into the dark and gloomy robes she usually wore and her appearance changed. Her hair turned black and so did her eyes. Her expression became hard and god-like. She shot up, becoming almost as tall as the Olympian gods, only a little shorter.

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