Chapter 24

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Ugh, the bell signaling the end of my first class yet and I already have a headache. The sound of this particular teacher's voice just seems to grate on my last nerve. For some reason, all my senses have decided to become extremely sensitive - almost hypersensitive in a world of werewolves. And it makes me want to claw my brain out, no matter how gross that prospect sounds. It's not like I need to remember the square root of pie anyways...isn't that what calculators are for? I don't get why people insist this stuff is actually crucial to life beyond high school - it's not like knowing that Columbus sailed the ocean blue in the year 1492 will help me fight against a pack of alphas hell-bent on the destruction of the life I've managed to finally scrape together. No matter how unorthodox said life is. Don't even get me started on the whole gym will help thing either! Because, no matter how hard they work us, as werewolves, it does nothing for me. You know...unless I crush my side on a brick wall occasionally. Then it may just help speed up the healing process.

"Miss Haile?" I make eye contact with Miss Bekkermire, she's glaring at me - again.

"Yes?" I answer back, pretending to be interested in what's going on.

"What proteins are directly involved in the transportation of cargo in a clathrin-coated vesicle?" She asks me and it takes me a moment to dig through all the random facts I've managed to accumulate over the years.

"That would be the AP complex 2, AP180, Eps15 - but that's a substrate, so you probably didn't want that one. Then Epsin1, HIP1, and HIP12 help comprise the list of the main ones, but there are still plenty more as well." I nod, that sounds right.

The blanched look on her face tells me I'm exactly right. (Haha, take that teacher lady!) "Well, it looks like someone's been doing their reading. Very well done, Miss Haile - but remember to pay attention."

Just as the finishes her sentence the lights cut out.

"Alright, whoever turned out the lights better but it out and come forward." Bekkermire says vehemently, tapping her foot in the process like a disgruntled mother of miscreant two-year-old twin boys.

" one did anything." One of my classmates says.

"Stop playing around and turn on the switch." She snaps to no one in particular and stomps to the back of the room.

I hear a clicking noise as she tries - to no avail - to return light to the oddly dark room. Something in my gut tells me this isn't exactly a coincidence and I bite my lip as my ears scan the surrounding area. The sound of soft clicking coming up the stairs down the connecting corridor sends chills through my body. Surely there wouldn't be anyone dumb enough to make an attack in a crowed school in broad daylight? Nervously biting my lip I try to catch a scent...figures, Fenris is an idiot. But I never thought he'd be this foolish - what is he thinking?

"Bekah? Can you hear me?" His whispering voice carries all the way from his position on the stair to my ears. "Most likely. I know you turned those two mutts and I've come to tell you that I'm willing to take this as far as I have to. I don't care about exposure or any of that usual crap. All I want for the next eighteen hours is to have a little fun. Right here, with hundreds of innocent bystanders that you and your little pack of losers won't be able to save. Best part? I've brought some...hungry guests, with very interesting appetites. I'm sure you've seen a vampire before, right?"

Someone opens the blinds in the room, temporarily blinding me as my eyes try to adjust and my ears perk up for whatever he's about to say. It's not possible, vampires haven't been around in almost a hundred years - they're thought to be extinct ever since the rebellion they started that caused a worldwide manhunt against them. The last one I heard about was that guy who killed Abraham Lincoln, and he was hunted down by a group comprised of werewolves and hunters...even a few wendigos. Yes, that Booth guy was a vampire, get over it! There's a reason the race was wiped out - they're worse than hunters. At least hunters give a reason for chasing us all over the place, they think we kill for joy and all that bologna. Vampires don't have a soul in them, their humanity was stripped away the moment they woke up craving human blood - there was a rumor of one that had a soul, but the person disappeared and no one could verify it.

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