Chapter 14

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The wind howls above as I continue to follow Ian's distinct scent down the dark pathway carved by only stale walls and cracked concrete. Static electricity fills the air around me like a thick blanket as the light rapidly fades from the sky - thank God for night vision...well, it's somewhere between that and heat vision. The point is that I can still see in the dark. Little fallen leaves chase the air around me as a flash of lightning lights up the sky for a moment. Dust dances around my feet as I finally round the last corner, finding his door easily.

A strange energy lingers in the air, making the hair along my arms stand high at attention. I sniff at the air to find a mixture of the guys, the coming storm, and Something that makes my wolf rise to the surface in rage. I can practically feel her as she tries to claw her way out. I slowly reach out to grab the doorknob, surprised at how easily it turns in my hand. As soon as the click reaches my ears I allow the door to silently swing open. The darkness within the room gradually comes into focus. The first thing I really see is the shattered lamp resting on the floor at the foot of the bed. Hearing the faint sounds of lungs working incredibly hard to gather air, I follow it around the first of the two beds to see a human for lying mostly unconscious.

My eyebrows pull together as I walk closer, kneeling next to the person before I push the heavy body to see their face. "Ian!"

His name is barely a whisper on my shocked lips as I reach out and touch his warm cheek, sighing when my brain finally decides he's still alive. I look around the room for his roommate or anyone else, but I don't see anyone else. The sound of a rising heartbeat catches my attention and I slowly rise to my feet, holding my wolf back as I follow the noise to the bathroom door. My stomach feels like I've swallowed a rock as my hand ever so slowly rises to the handle. Taking a deep breath I shove the door open before I can change my mind and scream at what's in front of me.

Feral eyes snap to my face as the beast holding a limp Trey in its horribly disfigured arms. A deadly growl escapes its lips as it drops Trey to the ground before taking a step toward me. My wolf quickly rises to the surface, letting out a warning growl before I can stop her. The creature's face looks confused for barely a fraction of a second before a realization dawns in its features. Suddenly in a flash of motion it rushes out at me, shoving me backward through the air. I feel that odd sense of endless weightlessness as I fly through the air before, after what feels like forever and no time at all, I hit the hard wall on the other side of the room and land in a heap on the ground by the door. I only have a small amount of time to watch the beast leave in a streak of movement through heavy lids before blacking out.


"Bekah, you're going to be late for work!" Derreck yells through the bathroom door while pounding on the door. "You know how we need the money right now."

Right! How could I forget? Sense the sarcasm...we've been on the road for about three months now - going between wolf and human form - and we've finally gotten far enough away to find something decent to live in. Although, a motel with a wheezy air conditioner and some seriously rude neighbors isn't exactly what I would've asked for. Or at all what I'm used to. Honestly, living in the Haile pack house has softened me. I just got too comfortable with being there that I hadn't thought it was possible to loose everything. I should have known after my parents' deaths that nothing is ever that simple.

"Bekah!" Derreck yells again. "I need to get in there too!"

"Ugh, fine!" I say, pushing my bangs out of my face before sighing and throwing the door open. "It's all yours."

He rolls his eyes at my tight smile before rushing past me.

"Well, don't wait up for me." I say sarcastically before heading outside and slamming the door on the way.

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