Chapter 16

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My whole body hums as I walk through the darkness - thank the gods out there for wolf sight - I'm not sure if it's anticipation, anxiety, or the pain coursing through my least it keeps me moving. A single drop hits my cheek and I look up into the night sky as little droplets gradually descend to the earth's surface. Rain is always tragically beautiful to me. I don't know what it is, but something about the way the tiny drops of water go from tiny molecules of ice thousands of feet above us, turn into powdery snow, and then eventually melt depending on the time of year as they rapidly plummet to the ground is fascinating. It's almost poetic in a way - that they're willing to fall hundred of miles just to replenish the plants waiting patiently below.

I know how that sacrifice must feel...because I'd be willing to do just about anything for any member of my pack. Which isn't just the guys! No, it's them and their mates and Mel. It's my parents and the old pack who died in a way no one should have to. They're all a part of me and losing Derreck will always be my darkest place...but I can't give into that depth because I have others that need me. And I need them. Once we return home - after this horrible weekend is finally over with - I am concentrating on being the best I can be for them. I owe them that for everything they've normal lives. None of them asked for this - well, other than Xander - but something out there chose to throw us together. I don't know if it's fate or some higher power, but I'm grateful to have them. I may have lost a lot in life, but here, with them, I have a family.

One I will do anything for.

Stepping forward I let the droplets hit my face I their leisurely pace - the calm before the storm. The darkness becomes illuminated with a strong flash of light leaving an eerie golden glow to the world left behind for a few moments. My eyes capture some of that old light and adjust until I can see everything around me again. A loud crash catches my attention and I rush forward, not stopping to think what may be on the other end of that sound. My legs pump faster as my ears judge the distance between the sound and myself, noticing it's a bit farther than I originally anticipated. Hearing a loud cry of anguish my feet pound down on the hard pavement as I push myself to move faster. It feels like time is stretching into oblivion as the wall I run beside elongates into a never-ending chasm. Finally, after what could be considered an eternity, I round the corner seeing something I never thought possible.

Colin and Raif fighting off three wendigos, and none of them the same as the one from earlier. Letting out a low growl I rush forward, ramming into the side of one of the beasts. It lets out a frustrated howl before twisting its body to claw at me as we soar through the air. I land on all fours, still human, as it hits the brick wall. I look into its eyes seeing the familiar blackness that only belongs to the eyes of a wendigo. The whole thing is completely black, as if the iris spans the entire sphere. The worst part is that this one may have been just like me once upon a time, but now behind the blackness is a never ending cavern of pain, despair, and rage. I sigh at the thought that whoever this is is far beyond being recovered - once giving in to that side, it's impossible to come back.

Snarling teeth bring me back to the situation and I blink a couple times to focus as it rushes at me. Not moving quick enough, I feel long hairy arms wrap around my torso as it slams me into the wall at my back a few times. I sink to the ground as it lets out a roar of victory. If it thinks it's that easy to get rid of me, it has another thing coming. I've survived facing the worst part of Paul, losing two families, countless battles alongside Derreck, and the last battle against an alpha pack - something that should be impossible to form, by the way. If I have what it takes to keep moving after all of that...and losing Derrick, my other half...then dealing with one of these will be a piece of cake.

The familiar fire burns behind my eyes and I can see all of them - both the twins and the wendigos - look on in shock for a moment before returning to their fight. I can feel it all coursing in me right now, the silver and wolfsbane floating through my blood, making me stronger. I think Artemis may have gotten it wrong, I haven't created an immunity to these things that should kill me, but have absorbed them to make myself stronger. I don't know how it works, but I know it will come in handy.

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