Chapter 11

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(Ps, don't know what happened but for some reason when I updated Chapter 12 wattpad put it BEFORE chapter, that's weird. But this is to warn you confused people XD)

As I propel myself forward I work on tuning out all the unnecessary noise as bodies collide in midair on the battlefield, focusing mostly on my part. I know that if I allow myself to give too much of my attention to any of the others, then I’ll only endanger everyone – first myself for not focusing on the fight at hand and then the idiot who would no doubt get hurt because he couldn’t help but protect me. And that would be my fault. 

A small yelp catches my attention and I turn to see the female’s – whatever that yellow-colored wolf’s name is – teeth latching onto Jase’s hind leg as he struggles to shake her loose. A deep growl rumbles through my chest as my body tenses.

Hang on Jase, I send to him as the muscles in my legs send me soaring forward.

Digging my claws into her back, I manage to twist my body enough to latch my teeth to the scruff of the back of her neck. Using the momentum I’ve already gained I continue to twist my body as I throw her body into a nearby tree, licking my teeth from the small triumph. I nod an acknowledgement to Jase ‘s yelp of thanks before he engages in a fight with one of the two males that I haven’t even bothered to remember their names. I snort before focusing on the enraged female shaking her coat and she rises to her feet, growling furiously. Guess she doesn’t like being beaten – the thought makes me smirk. I roll my eyes as she continues to growl, a poor attempt to intimidate me. Without enough warning she lunges forward, teeth snapping toward my neck as she snarls dangerously. I wait calmly as she hurls herself through the air before I quickly dash beneath her and take a nasty swipe at her underbelly, rolling away and popping back up to my feet before she can recover

Her snarling only intensifies as she hurtles toward me again, at the last second switching her attack and snaking her head back until she has my neck stuck between her sharp teeth. She twists her head and shakes it violently, slowly cutting off my windpipe with each time her jaw crush me just a little bit more. As I fight to get her off me, my vision slowly starts to blur and my chest screams for air. I furiously struggle as her teeth clamp down even harder before using my front paws to claw at anything within reach. Finally I feel something slimy snake its way through my fur and she pulls away, howling in pain and anger as she rubs her face with her paws. I only get a quick glimpse of her ruined eye before a sharp pain rips through my chest.

Taking no time, I put her unconscious before turning to see my worst nightmare – Derreck struggling to survive against Fenris’ constant attacks. I pay no attention to the blood clotting the fur along my neck before rushing to the other side of the clearing when something rams into my side. I feel like I’m flying for a moment before smashing into a tree, looking up to see the female snarling yet again. Seriously, I thought she was out!?! I growl as I lift myself back to my feet only to be hit in the face with a massive paw, sending me sprawling against the tree with a sickening crunch before my body quickly reverts to its human state – I can already feel the small crack in my ribs healing itself slowly.

Suddenly, Ian rams right into the female and I’m free to put my attention back to my loosing mate. Lifting myself onto shaky feet, I feel a strange feeling – like my wolf is about to rip her way out of my body and take over for good…what is going on with me? I shake my head as a horrible crunch reverberates through the clearing. Growling I lunge forward, not even caring what form I’m in as I rip Fenris from Derreck’s struggling form before throwing him across the field.

I turn to help Derreck when his eyes widen I fear – wait, Derreck doesn’t show fear…then what’s that look for? I don’t have time to figure that out before he shoves me away and to the side with his massive head. Flying through the air, I land a solid twenty feet away from him – thankfully on my feet – in a crouched stance. Quickly raising my head I only have enough time to see two wolves – a shiny black one and greasy brown one – struggling before toppling over the side of the cliff.

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