Chapter 6

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                             promised XD This is a shout out to @kimmmeetracey for basically answering every question I added at the end of each chapter, and also getting it right. Great job! And I love the fact that you remembered all of it

Also, to @AliciaWarkentin for her great memory and for the entertaining comments along with it

"So...who's your beta?" I ask when we get about halfway back to Jace's house.

Derreck only glances away from the road long enough to give me an odd looking before watching the area in front of us again. "What do you mean?"

"Well, I've always been the 'beta' for us but now the rules are different. We have a nice sized pack and you could proclaim one of them as the Beta...maybe not Paul though, because I'm not so sure about his sanity." I say, my nose scrunching up as I think over every dumb thing he's done - like turning Trey, almost getting caught by hunters, oh and then there was the time he thought it would be a good idea to rob a bank....thankfully we were able to stop him in time for that one.

"Well, you can always just remain the Beta." He says slowly.

"Doesn't work that way." I shake my head. "I'm about to be Luna, which means I am no longer a candidate to be your second - from now on we'll be one unit ."

"You're right...and I think I know who I'll call my beta." He sighs and pulls up outside Jace's house before smirking at me. "Although, even though this is a stressful thing to figure out, there's one thing I can't help but feel excited for."

I give him a confused look. "And what's that?"

"The idea that we're one and you're my Luna." His smile brightens for a bit before his whole face turns sour. "Great, he's here."

"Who's here?" I look around, trying to see what's wrong.

"Paul." He growls - and I thought I hated Paul!

"Hey, just don't let him get to you." I say, rubbing his shoulder as we make our way to the house. "He'll get a big head thinking he can get to you and we both know how bad that is."

He groans and stops just before we can enter. "It's not about how annoying and irresponsible he is - it's the constant berating about who you...never mind."

"What about me?" I ask, brow furrowing in confusion.

"Well, he thinks you should be with him even though we're mates." He says with a sigh, not looking at me. "I told him he's stupid but he's adamant on it and uses the fact we haven't mated yet as his proof. It's just annoying."

"Well," I say with a smile as I wrap my arms around his neck, "what he doesn't know, is that I love you more than I could ever tolerate him."

He snorts and wraps his arms tight around my waist, resting his forehead against mine in content.

"Also, you just so happen to be nice," I gently kiss his cheek, "funny," I kiss the other cheek, "caring," I kiss his forehead, "charming," I kiss his chin, "smart," I kiss his nose, "and downright sexy. All things I know he isn't."

He smiles and pulls me in for a kiss filled with so much love and longing. "Hopefully, there's someone for him that will get him past all he's been through."

"Yeah, but I'll feel sorry for her." I say, shaking my head. "I mean, he deserves happiness...but she's going to have a rough time with that one."

"True, but somewhere he's good." He shrugs.

"Hopefully that somewhere will be far from here." I say a little disgruntled - I want him to go join his mate's pack when they find each other...mostly to give him a fresh start where he can learn how to control himself.

"Come on, let's go announce our Beta and enjoy some time as a pack." He says with a smile.

Well, turns out we fell asleep back at the loft and we don't have a ton of time until nightfall - I'm pretty sure it's almost five now. So, we're going to spend a bit of time with the pack before Jase, Rhys, and I go on our own for a bit to talk. I'm itching for this fight now, the power from the blood moon is already surging through me and my wolf is practically clawing to get out. Not only does she want to get at Derreck, but she also wants to destroy anything aimed to hurt her pack. She's grateful that we have quite a few strong wolves to help defend us - such as Derreck, Ian, Jase, and Paul. Even though I don't really care for the guy, his wolf is very strong and fights well.

The only thing is, I can't seem to shake the feeling that something's about to happen.


Also, can you guys please go check out my newest addition to our book family, The Brookwood Boys? I want to know if you all think it's interesting

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