Chapter 3

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After we'd gone back to join the others, we'd finished breakfast and Mel disappeared upstairs to go to bed - at least, it's what I assume. She's on the night shift tonight and said something about having to 'recharge the batteries' before she goes back to that crazy place.

"Hey, where're the twins?" I ask Jase when I realize I haven't seen them around this morning.

"Dunno, went to my room this morning and they were gone. Guess he healed an they had things to get done." Jase says with a huge shrug.

I look over at my now empty plate and try not to let out an enraged growl...seriously, that was my food gosh darnit! No one eats my meals for me because I'm a werewolf and I burn it all too fast for someone to come and eat over half of it for me. To emphasize that fact my stomach decides to growl for me.

"You okay there?" Rhys asks, giving me a weird look.

I raise an eyebrow. "Well, I would be if someone hadn't eaten my breakfast for me."

"That was my bad." Derreck says, coming in behind me as he leaves a chaste kiss on my cheek before returning to his plate. "By the way, this is amazing. I didn't get the chance to tell Mrs. Dean before she can blame that on my bladder."

"Wow, you are much more pleasant after you've had food." Rhys says with fake astonishment as he stares at Darreck in a mocking way.

Derreck rolls his eyes as Jase quickly reaches over to smack Rhys upside the head. I try not to laugh at the three stooges in front of me as I put together a new plate and push Derreck over on the seat so I can sit. He grudgingly moves to make room for me but keeps half my chair...I want to hit him, but I kinda want to kiss him too. Why must he be so infuriating and alluring!? Darn mate.

"Guys, please be civil just this once. I really don't want to explain to Mel why Derreck strangled Rhys." I say, scooping some eggs into my mouth before almost spitting it back out. "Dead chicken liver! It's cold! Now I have to heat it up."

Derreck smirks at my outburst and I quickly rush my food to the microwave to warm it back up. It's probably because he knows I can't stand cold food...unless it's ice cream or frozen yogurt, then it's completely fine.

"So what's everyone doing today?" Jase asks, probably trying to diffuse the tension by changing the subject - I still have no clue why Rhys and Derreck practically hate each other.

"Well, I just came to see you guys for breakfast...maybe see if Beks wanted to do something. But you all can have the day to yourselves if you want." Derreck says before mumbling as he takes another bite. "Besides, one of you thinks I'm a buzzkill."

"That's because you are a buzzkill, Der." I say, pushing him into his own chair.

"If you want to spend the day with Derreck, we'll understand. Besides, I'm thinking of going over to Anna's to talk and it would be weird having you guys there for that." Jase says, glancing between the two of us.

"And what will I do? I don't have anyone." Rhys says, head spinning to look at us all.

"I don't think you'll like my answer." Derreck mutters under his breath.

"Heard that!" Rhys answers with large eyes.

I roll mine and turn to face them all. "How about we finish the rest if dinner, then go our separate ways for a few hours, and then meet up here to just hang out? That way we can all get what we want and I don't have to hear anyone complain." I say, noticing how it comes out slightly more intense than I'd intended.

"Sounds good...but I'll pass on the last bit. I want to get everything ready and you three need time with just you. You haven't had that in a while." Derreck says, glancing down at the floor with an odd gleam in his eyes - it's almost like regret...but I'm not sure.

"That's very nice of you Derreck!" I say with a smile before quickly inhaling the rest of my food - okay, maybe inhaling is a bit of an overstatement. I definitely scarfed it down.

"Yeah, if you're a Doberman..." Rhys mutters under his breath. "Seriously, why do you always look like you have some kind of long, sharp, pointy thing shoved somewhere I don't want to think about?"

I roll my eyes at the rhetorical question and look over at Derreck's pissed face. Wow, Rhys really pushes his buttons...why is that?

"If you want I can let you know how that really feels." Derreck says slowly, malice interwoven through every word.

"Derreck!" I glare at him and grab his hand, dragging him out of the room. "See you guys in a bit!"

"Okay, hopefully after you've taken the mutt to the dog house." Rhys answers immediately.


Hey everyone! I have a question, if I add two facts about me to the end of every chapter would you like that? If so, comment or PM me questions on things you'd like to know!

And, just because we love him for his sense of humor, the obvious animosity towards Derreck, and all those witty things he says, look to the side for the AMAZING Rhys...with the first name no one wants to say :) This charasmatic, sarcastic guy has made us all laugh at the strangest of times! He's witty, funny, and comes up with the weirdest ideas that get him, Jase, and Bekah into tons of trouble. Also, he loves giving Derreck a tough time. He hasn't only become one of Bekah's best friends and brothers, but also an honorary member of the pack and great help along the way. 

Also, the first person who can tell me what his great plan to test Jase to see if he would turn at school was gets a special shout-out!

Always yours,


Always yours,


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