Chapter 17

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Raif, Colin and I step out of the room slowly, scanning the surrounding area for any sign of the two remaining wendigos. Nothing. I sigh softly and push forward, hoping they're not waiting in ambush anywhere. From the way that other guy spoke, they kept pretty holed up and content to be so. What if there's a reason know what, no assumptions. We're going to just storm the place down and end this once and for all. I'm done just waiting around for some unknown creature to make its attack on me and my pack, it's about time we actually stop something before it comes for us.

Ian, call the others and meet us at room 22, we're ending this tonight. I send him and cut off the link as soon as I get his confirmation.

"What's the plan?" Colin asks, jogging a little to catch up to my brisk pace.

"We're meeting the guys at the room and storming down the castle, that's what we're doing." I say, taking the stairs two at a time.

"That's it?" Raif asks, glancing over at his brother.

"That's it." I nod, making it to the top.

I nod to the guys as I see my pack at the other end, the room right in the middle of us. Some of them are jogging up the stairs still, but they've all made it here. My boys look confused as they get closer to the door. I look into Jasynn's eyes and he nods once, a look of determination filling those brown eyes of his.

Okay guys, on the other side of this door is the last two wendigos. They probably know we're out here about now but we can't worry about that. We need to get rid of them swiftly. Raif, Colin and I were lucky to have run into the other two in a place not many people were. But right now we're surrounded by students we go to school with. Coach himself is in two rooms over - I can smell him. Remember everything we've taught you and let's try to make this as easy as possible on us. There's only two of them against the seven of us. I link to them, seeing them all nod in response. Trey, if you want to stay out here to be lookout you can.

I'm going in. Trey tells me, jaw clenching. I owe this guy for attacking me the way he did.

I smile at the determination and loyalty these guys are showing. To think only three months ago we didn't even know each other is beyond me. It's like we've known each other for an eternity - the feeling of family is an anchor for all of us. I can sense that in the.

Yeah, and we have no problem helping you prove that bro. Ian says, patting him on the back.

Yeah, no one messes with my family. Xander agrees, smiling at the two of them.

Okay, let's go. I say before looking at the twins with a look that says 'go ahead.'

Both of them smirk before barging their way inside. So much for keeping quiet. I roll my eyes and follow them inside with my pack on my heels, seeing two very shocked wendigos trying to pack up their stuff. Snarling angrily both abandon their flurried work and charge straight for us, stopping for a second as everyone piles into the room. The two waist no time as they transform into the same horrific monsters I found in Ian and Trey's room earlier. Shoot, they're more powerful in this form. The female quickly lunged for us and I managed to duck under her just in time to miss the claws swiping right for me. Immediately the twins and Jase are after her as she runs through the door. I trust them to deal with her as I focus my attention on the male in front of me, foaming at the mouth.

Does he have rabies? Trey suddenly asks. If so, do I need to get shots or something? What if whatever it is is worse than rabies?

He doesn't have rabies, or something worse. Ian says dismissively. We would have found out a long time ago if it was something contagious. No, wendigos just tend to spit a lot when they're angry.

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