Chapter 10

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“So, now we’re all here. It’s great to know you can actually follow your word and show up. I’m proud of you. As a matter of fact, I may even help you out a bit. Hand over Bekah now and I’ll…forget about your little pack here. Besides, you don’t really stand a chance and there’s not exactly enough of you to actually be a threat to me.” Fenris sneers as he paces lazily on the open field, a slowly smile spreading across his face – as if he’s actually doing us a favor. “Besides, it would be a waste to spill so much unnecessary blood when we all know the outcome.”

“How about we shut the pleasantries and get down to business.” Derreck crosses his arms as he glares at our enemy – all the while struggling underneath that clear mask to keep from attacking in rage. “I’m pretty sure I’ll have no problem taking down a pup like you.”

“Oh, you’re no fun Mister Alpha!” Fenris says with an exaggerated sigh – this makes me notice just how much he’s toying with Derreck’s patience. “Fine! I guess we can get to it. Just remember who will own your little troublemaker once this is all done and over with.”

“Thank you!” Paul says while throwing his arms into the air above his head in frustration.

“Of course you’d be the one to say that, right Paul? I mean, you are next in line for Alpha once he’s dead.” Fenris smirks as he glances over at the wolf in question – I can detect the disdain he has for him barely concealed by those hate-infused eyes.

“Can we just cut out all the insults and get to the matter at hand?” I ask, giving their leader a pointed look. “You see, I think it’s you who should give up and leave…but you’re too pig-headed and daft to listen to me. I know my pack’s strength.”

“Oh so sure of yourself, aren’t you? What a mighty fine queen you’d make. Well, I can take a hint…you asked for it. Remember that.” Fenris instantly shifts into his dark grey, matted wolf.

Nothing about him is pleasing in this form. His shaggy coat dull in color – no longer the vibrant silkiness it had once been so many years ago – and tangled. It’s like he’s run through so much mud and blood that his coat will never been even close to decent again. There are clear spots where fur doesn’t even grow anymore due to fights where other wolves no doubt ripped it out by the mouthful. His red eyes, only holding malice and anger, look as though the fire that normal people hold is quickly dying out. They aren’t even the normal color of most Alpha’s eyes. Almost maroon in shade, shows exactly how corrupted and dark he has allowed himself to become – he’s a complete stranger to the boy who loved life, sunrise, and natural beauty while only fearing his father. The look of him now almost makes me feel sorry for him.


The rest of his pack shifts quickly around him – looking quite similar, as far as being unkempt that is. With their dulling fur and eyes in the early stages of turning the same shade as their leader’s. But I can see a few differences. For instance, their she-wolf is muscular yet looks a little underfed with her yellowish coat stretching over her slightly bony body. There’s a brown wolf with a very muscular body – but he also looks like he’s missed a few meals – and has a few patches without any fur. A wolf with a light-brown coat and a grey spot on his back looks as though he’s the reason the other two don’t eat very much with his overly muscled body – but his coat is just as dull as Fenris’. The last two – both grey wolves – are nearly identical only one has a white ear and white socks while the other has a black spot on his back, all black tail, and an intricate black crown on his forehead – they also look to be in better condition than the others with slightly shiny coats and bright eyes.

I don’t hesitate to shift with my pack. I take a moment to look at our wolves – Derreck’s blac“So, now we’re all here. It’s great to know you can actually follow your word and show up. I’m proud of you. As a matter of fact, I may even help you out a bit. Hand over Bekah now and I’ll…forget about your little pack here. Besides, you don’t really stand a chance and there’s not exactly enough of you to actually be a threat to me.” Fenris sneers as he paces lazily on the open field, a slowly smile spreading across his face – as if he’s actually doing us a favor. “Besides, it would be a waste to spill so much unnecessary blood when we all know the outcome.”

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