Chapter 20

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"Hello Bekah." I roll my eyes at the voice as it walks up behind me.

I hate school, where I'm forced to deal with these people for eight hours a day, five days a week. The only good thing is that I can push myself into the coursework - whether it's english, math, history, anything really...even gym can be a peaceful haven if approached correctly. Unfortunately, I do have to deal with the occasional run-ins with Fenris - the Alpha's son. Now, if he'd stop using his stupid alpha voice on me and purposefully standing in my way than I would be a much happier seven year old...sadly, his stupid face won't leave me be.

I continue walking without even acknowledging him - mostly to keep from blowing up and also to tick him off.

A hand grabs my wrist and my eyes flash silver for a second. "Don't walk away from your future Alpha!"

I shut my eyes to calm my wolf before facing the furious, screaming boy - his blond hair dancing in the wind as his usually dull grey eyes shine bright red.

He suddenly smirks as my eyes meet his. "Good submissive, looking guilty for your insubordination."

What kind of idiot kid speaks like this to another kid? Seriously!

"Future." I mumble, looking to the ground.

"Excuse me?!" His voice raises a few octaves as his grip on my wrist tightens unbearably.

"Y-you're only future, I only have to answer to your father." I tell him, remembering what my father told me about bullies and how you have to hold your ground - even if it's scary. "So, stop being a bully."

His eyes flash red and the bell rings, saving me from having to deal with him for much longer.

"This isn't over, mutt." He warns.

I wait silently, not backing down like my daddy taught me, as he huffs before disappearing down the hallway. I wait for a few seconds to calm my frantic heart, sighing sadly when the tardy bell rings. Hurrying to my locker - which is only a few feet away - and trade out the notebooks I need, I'm ahead of everyone else in my grade. I smile at the thought, knowing inside this particular notebook is a spectacular seven-page paper on the rise and fall of Julius Caesar for my history teacher. She was surprised when I asked for extra work on the first day of class but quickly rose to the occasion of challenging my ever-curious mind. This has been the most fun by far and I feel I could have written something much longer but she gave me the challenge of keeping it under eight pages...I think I did a good job, just barely keeping bellow the limit. One more word and I could have written too much. Something hits me head on and I go flying backward to the ground, books and paper scattering everywhere.

"Watch it, mutt!" Some rude girl says, growling at me for a second before dashing off down the hallway.

"Are you alright?" A kind voice asks.

Looking up I find myself staring into the bright grey-blue eyes of a really tall man. He has to be at least seven feet tall - of course, I may be exaggerating because I'm so short. I guess most adults look like giants to the average seven year old. A warm smile spreads across his face and I can't help but return the gesture as a thought pops into my head. Gasping, I realize just how late I am for class and I rush to grab all my things.

"Here, let me help you." The man says, quickly gathering all my things and helping me to my feet.

"Um...thank you mister..." Twisting my face I narrow my eyes at him, "Who are you?"

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