Secrets are out

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Concert outfit above ^

*caitlin's POV*
'Come ON!!! I promise you will LOVE them.' Mia, my best friend, said.

'Just tell me who it is!!' I said a bit cautiously.

'Just come!' she said.

There was a crowd of people surrounding some celebrities. Mia found out where they were because her friend texted her, but she refuses to tell me which celebrity it is. It wasn't that I minded but still, I wanted to know.

'Come on, LET'S GO TO THE FRONT' she yelled while dragging me behind her. Somehow she got us pulled to the front in only 15 minutes and when I saw who it was; it was too late.

It was the band 'misguided' and there was Ian and Daniel . When I noticed them I turned around and ran away. But I knew it was too late. He saw me.

'Wait! Where are you going caitlin! Come back!' Mia was chasing me.

'Don't worry just go back,' I said. But she already noticed the tears streaming down my face. I tried to run but Some fan pushed me out of the way.

'Don't touch me!' I screamed and ran away. I ran as fast as I could.


I could feel his big hands pushing down onto my shoulders as he forced himself into me. I wanted to scream, but he had put tape over my mouth. There were tears pouring down my face and there was nothing I could do. Once he was done, he let go of me and untied me, took the tape off and pushed me out the door. I was dizzy and in pain but I slowly made my way back to my house. I walked through the door and ignored ian, who was trying to talk to me, and went into my room and cried I stayed in my room like that for a few days. The few moment when I wasn't crying, I would be sleeping.

~End of flashback~

'Wait! caitlin please,' A loud voice said through the speakers. I turned a bit, but only to start running even faster.

'Please, just listen. I'm Sorry. I should have noticed earlier. I had all the pieces to figure out what happened, and I didn't. I'm sorry.' ian said.

I slowed, but I still kept walking away, glancing back occasionally.

'caitlin Please. I thought you were dead. We all did. Please come back,' he said with uncontrollable tears coming down his face. The other boys had gathered around him not sure of what is happening but still comforting him to the best they could.

That stopped me though. Of course they thought I was dead. That's what I wanted them to think. And it worked.

'Please just stop. I miss you. Come back I love you,' ian croaked before standing up from the seat abruptly and running at full speed out of the crowd to come to me. At this point I had stopped and just looked at him.

'I'm sorry,' I said, as I turned around to keep walking. There were too many people around to to run, so ian had caught up to me and grabbed my hand.

'NO! LET GO HELP NO!!!!' I screamed as the flashbacks were back.

He let go abruptly and just looked at me.

'I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. But please, come back,' he said. By this time, both of us were an emotional mess. I ran the half a meter between us and hugged him. I am not sure how long we hugged for, but it just felt good. Like my other half was with me again.

'caitlin?' I heard a quiet voice from behind me. I recognized the familiar brown hair, and beautiful face.

'Mom,' I said at the same time as ian. I ran to her and hugged her.

'I missed you baby,' she said.

'I know mom, I missed you too.'

We just stood there for a few minutes until security came closer and told us to follow them into a back room.

'Go back on stage, I won't go anywhere,' I said to ian

'Promise?' He asked.

'I promise.'

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