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*Ten years later* big jump I know...

'Bye rose, have fun at school,' I called out.

'Thanks mum, my uncles will be here when I get back right?' she asked, already getting excited about seeing him.

'Yes they will, now go before you miss the bus,' I said.

Rose finally turned nine years old. The boys had missed the party the other day because they were travelling to see mum, who was in the hospital. She is okay now, she just fell and broke her arm but Ian and Daniel insisted on going out to see her anyway. He said he would make up for it by coming over and taking rose out tonight with Jay and me. I instinctively twirled my wedding ring and smiled. I know how lucky I was to have jay, I am so happy he stuck by me through everything. He didn't leave when misguided got hate for me having jay's baby. He didn't leave when their management told him that misguided should take a break. He didn't leave when they got back together to make their third and final album. He didn't leave when I got over-whelmed with all the hate and locked myself in my room for a week, and last but not least, he didn't leave when rose was born.

I got changed and went on the computer while I waited for ian to come over. I would have flown out to see mum too, but rose had a drama performance on the day it happened and the day after was her birthday party, which was already planned out.

'Caitlin?' familiar voices called out from the door.

'Daniel Ian !!!!' I called before running towards them and hugging him.

'Hey Caitlin, where's jay?' he wondered.

'Out to see Andy before he leaves for America or something like that, he said he'd be back before rose gets home,' I replied.

'How was her birthday?' Daniel asked.

'It was good, she wanted you to be there though, she's excited to see you'd today,' I said.

'How's mum by the way?' I asked.

'She's okay, everyone's fine.' Daniel  explained.

'Right, well do you want some tea or something?' I offered.

'Yeah sure,' they said. We talked and had some tea until jay finally got home as well as rose. I made dinner with Ian for all of us and we sat around the table just talking and messing about.

'Guys, I have an announcement,' I said.

'What?' Ian and Daniel said at the same time while rose just played with her food.

'I'm pregnant,' I said, smiling a bit.

'Really!?!' They said, again at the same time.

'Yep,' I said. Ian and Daniel both got up to hug me
'You know, I am so glad I bumped into you when I did, I feel like my other half is back with me again,' Ian said.

I just smiled and kissed his cheek before hugging jay  again and kissing him on the lips.

'Ew mommy that's gross,' rose said and we all laughed. Life couldn't be any more perfect.

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