Good news

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I woke up still in jay's arms.

'I'm sorry,' I said immediately feeling bad that I kept him here.

'Don't worry about it love,'he said.

'Are you here for Mia Roberts,' a doctor said.

'Yes, yes we are,' I said as fast as I could.

'Where are her parents?' the doctor asked.

'Well, she sort of doesn't have any?' I said saying it as more of a question.

'Meaning?' the doctor said.

'When she turned 18 she ran away and has refused to speak to them ever since,' I said. I had never pushed her on the subject because I could tell that it was touchy and Mia didn't like looking weak, like she did yesterday.

'Just tell us if she is okay mate,' Jay  said while putting a comforting arm around me.

'She is now in a stable condition. We almost lost her, but we got her back. She is currently unconscious but she should wake up sometime today, once the medication wears off,' the doctor spoke.

I wasn't sure how to feel. I was so glad that she was okay. I was beyond happy, but I feel so horrible for her. I mean, she felt so horrible that she wanted to do that to herself. I did too, but she is Mia. She is my best friend and a sister at the same time. I don't want her to go through this, and it is too late to go back.

I sat in the chair for a few minutes just thinking about everything. Jay understood that I didn't want to talk and he just let me be. A phone ringing in my purse interrupted me.

'Hello?' I said, realizing that it was Mia's phone that I had quickly grabbed instead of mine when we had left.

'Hello, is this Mia Roberts?' a voice spoke.

'No, this is Her friend, do you want me to tell her something?' I asked.

'Yes, could you tell her to call me back regarding the court date against Will Thompson,' the lady said.

'Uh... yes, I will. When she is out of the hospital,' I said.

'Thank you,' the lady said before hanging up.

The hearing.

Will Mia be able to do it? Will she be strong enough, emotionally and physically? Hopefully we can postpone it for a while, while Mia recovers.

'Caitlin?' the same doctor said when she came into the waiting room 5 long hours later.


'Mia is awake,' the doctor said.

'Thank you,' I said and I got up and followed him into her room. Jay had left to get us something to eat about 10 minutes ago so I quickly texted him letting him know which room I was in.

'Hey Mia,' I said and I sat down beside her bed.

'Hey, I am sorry. I shouldn't have done that. I was just feeling so,' she started to explain but I cut her off.

'Mia, it's fine. Now we have both saved each other's lives right, we don't owe each other anything,' I said and laughed a little.

'Yeah,' she said and laughed too. We had always joked about how I was one day going to save her life, but we never expected it to come true.

'Are you feeling okay?' I asked.

'Like death, you?' she said with a light-hearted laugh.

'Could be better, I mean I haven't showered in 2 days and my best friend is in the hospital,' I said.

'Aw babe, I am so sorry,' she said.

'No. No. You do not need to feel sorry. I am supposed to feel sorry,' I said.

'Yeah but that's not how our relationship works,' Mia said.

'Yeah, I guess so,' I said. It had always been Mia comforting me, never the other way around.

'Hey Mia!' Jay said after walking into the private room.

'Hey Mia, I am so glad that you are okay,' Daniel said when he walked in right after jay. They both came over and gave Mia a small hug.

'So when can I get out of this shit-hole?' Mia asked with a smile.

'Next week according to the doctor,' I said.

'Oh fun,' she said.

'Hay, on a scale of 1-10 how horrible do I look?' Mia said.

'Eh, 8,' I said.

'You can't say that! That's rude!' Daniel  said immediately defending Mia.

'Oh please, you should know that Caitlin is allowed to insult me,' Mia said.

'So guys, who wants to play a game of cards or something?' Jay asked.

Everyone agreed and we spent the next week in the hospital playing games and talking about whatever we could think of. It was usually Mia, me and one of the other boys; mostly jay and Daniel though.

'You can go,' the doctor confirmed.

A chorus of cheers spread through the room. It was me, Mia, Daniel and jay right now and after this torturing stay at the hospital, I can say that I hope I am not back here for a very long time.

'A wnurse will be here in a few minutes to take the last needle out of you arm Ms Roberts,' the doctor said.

'Thank you,' we all spoke at the same time.

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