Tequila & pretty little liars

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Ian eventually stopped with the questions once he realized that I wasn't answering them.

I could hear him talking to someone on the phone in the other room.

'Wait, so tell me what happened,' he said in a hushed tone.

There was a while of silence and then ian spoke again.

'Wow, okay. What can I do?'

'Yeah, I will try my best, thanks bye,' he said into the phone before noticing that I was at the door.

'Who was that,' I asked him.

'Nobody,' he said and sat down onto our bed.

'Who,' I said again.


'Tell me,' I said. I knew he was talking to Mia, and he knew that I knew. I just wanted to hear him say it.

'Fine, it was Mia. Happy?' He said.

'Yes very. Now what were you talking about,' I said.

Again, we both knew I knew the answer.

'You know, so stop with the questions.' He said grumpily and stormed out of them room. Touchy much?

I walked back into the living room part of the huge hotel room to find the boys glancing at each other weirdly.

'What's up with him?' Dan asked.

'Nothing,' I mumbled before turning the TV onto Pretty Little Liars, which the boys didn't like.

'Does anyone have alcohol?' I asked.

'Might be some in the kitchen,' Jamie suggested.

He was right. I took a few beers and went back onto the couch.

'They are mine,' I said when Daniel tried to grab one.

'Right...' he said while taking the remote and changing the channel.

I didn't bother protesting so I just drank one beer as fast as I could only to open the next one.

'Ugh, this isn't fast enough. Is it possible to order tequila or something?' I asked.

'Does that mean I can have a beer?' Daniel asked.

'Once I get some tequila yes you can.' I said.

'Yay!' Daniel said while getting up to call room service.

So I was drunk. It is perfectly legal for me to drink. I am 18 and I should be allowed to do what I want. Ian came in at some point and saw that I was drunk and stormed out again.

'He's a bit touchy today isn't he,' I slurred.

'I'm going to get you to bed okay,' Jay said while coming towards me and picking me up bridal style.

He put me down in bed and was about to leave.

'NOOOOO, don't go, stay.' I said.

'I should go or Your brothers will fucking kill me,' Jay laughed but I grabbed onto his wrist.

'No, come cuddle with me,' I said.

He reluctantly came into bed with me and we spooned until I fell asleep.

'WHAT THE FUCK?' someone's voice yelled.

'Shhhhhhhhh,' I said. My head was pounding and whoever was saying that is going to be in trouble if they don't shut up.

'The fuck are you doing with my sister,' the voice said. Oh shit it was Ian and Daniel was standing right next to him.

'Shut up and get me some medicine,' I said groggily.

'Sorry mate, she wouldn't let me leave,' jay said while getting up.

'Stay,' I said and pulled him back in.

'See,' he said.

'Well you should have tried harder, she was drunk you dick,' daniel said while leaving the room angrily.

'Come on' Jay helped me up and walked me to the kitchen and gave me some medicine for my head and a glass of water.

'Thanks,' I said and sat down onto the couch. My head was throbbing; I am starting to regret drinking last night. I am not quite sure what I did, but nothing bad I hope.

'You okay?' Jay asked while sitting next to me.

'Well aside from the fact that I have a killer head-ache and Ian's mad at me. I'm okay,' I said.
He'll get over it, don't worry,' Daniel said comfortingly and gave me the first hug ever from my older brother

'Yeah, he can't hold a grudge to save his life,' I laughed, and hugged back

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