Twitcam part 2

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The fans heard everything. Well almost everything, and they can, and will, jump to conclusions about the rest. They might even make it seem worse than it is, if that is even possible.

'Hey guys, we have to go now, love you guys!' Jay said before closing the twitcam.

'Sorry, I didn't realize it was still on,' he said.

'Neither did I, it's more my fault,' I said.

We both sighed.

'Caitlin,' Jay said before signing again. He paused and I knew he was thinking about a way to tell me to stop cutting without sounding rude.

' I know. I am trying to stop cutting, it's just so tempting and I don't know how to stop. I don't know how I did it last time. No matter what I do, even if I hide the knives, I even left most of them in Ian and Daniel house just so there wouldn't be as many here. I always find a way, and I just CAN'T stop,' I could feel the tears coming down my face and I just wished I could be normal.

'Why can't I be normal,' I said, but it barely came out as a whisper.

'You are normal. You can get through this I know you can. me and Mia and the rest of the boys will be here through the whole thing.' Jay said while pulling me into him so that I was crying into his shoulder.

'You're cutting again? Why the fuck would you do that,' my brothers  said angrily from the door.

'How long were you here for?' I asked.

'Well since we got worried tweets from fans asking about you we decided to come over, but I guess what you did was your own fucking fault so bye,' they said before storming away.

'BOYS WAIT!' I called but it was too late.

I just resumed crying into jay's shoulder while he whispered comforting words.

'they didn't mean it. they just doesn't know how to react,' he said.

there such a jerk sometimes,' I said.

'they will apologize soon, don't worry,' he said.

'Are you hungry?' Jay asked after a few minutes.

'Not really, I think I'm going to shower and sleep,' I said.

'You have to eat something though, and I'm staying here tonight so while you shower I'll go get something to change into okay babe?' Jay said.

'Yeah, okay.'

I then took a long shower but I resisted the temptation to cut myself. I knew I wouldn't last long but it was better that I didn't now anyways since jay would probably notice. I finally got out and changed into some comfy clothes before going into the kitchen.

'I'm ordering Chinese food, what do you want,' Jay asked.

'Nothing, but I know you are going to make me get something so just get me whatever you're getting,' I said. Jay nodded, confirming that he was going to make me get something so I went into the living room to turn on the TV.

The rest of the night basically consisted of eating and then going to sleep. Mia came home at some point and Jay and me told her about what had happened. She said that it would be fine and the fans would talk about it for a few days and then forget about it. I could only hope that she was right.

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