Going public

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I woke up and went to get Mia a glass of water and some painkillers for when she woke up. I put it beside my bed and then I went out to make myself some breakfast. Today the boys had an interview and we had agreed that jay  would announce our relationship. I knew I would get hate, I had already gotten a lot but the amount would just increase now that jay and me are in a relationship.

'Morning,' Daniel  said when he walked into the kitchen.

'Hey,' I replied.

'You're making pancakes?' he asked.

'Yeah, Mia is over,' I replied.

'Since when?' he asked me.

'Since sometime at night,' I replied.

'Why?' he asked while getting some water and some pain-killers for his own hang-over.

Just then, Mia walked into the kitchen. She walked over and hugged me for a while.

I mouthed later to Daniel  and then continued to make pancakes once Mia had stopped hugging me.

'Thank you so much for yesterday,' she said.

'No problem, anything for you whore,' I said.

'So, you and Jay,' she said with a smile.

'Yeah, what about it,' I said.

'Are you official yet?' she asked.

'Yep, since yesterday night,' I replied, a huge grin taking over my face.

'Aw that is so cute! I knew you guys would eventually get together!' she said doing a mini dance around the kitchen.

'Yeah,' I said while continuing making food.

'Hey caitlin... and Mia?' Ian said, a bit surprised that Mia was here.

'Yeah, she came over last-night. Want some pancakes,' I asked, changing the subject.

'Yeah,' he said while rubbing his forehead a bit.

'Fun night yesterday?' I asked him.

'Yeah, although this headache is killer,' he said.

'Want some pain-killers?' I asked.

'I already had some, thanks though. Pancakes help though,' he said. Ian's eyes lit up a bit when he mentioned pancakes. I knew that Ian loved to eat when he had a hangover. Some people didn't but both my bros did. Mia didn't however, so I knew she wouldn't be having any pancakes, for now at least.

'Are you coming with us to the interview Caitlin?' dave
(misguided's manger) asked when he walked into the flat.

'Not sure yet, maybe I will. There are a few leftover pancakes in the kitchen if you want some by the way,' I said while turning the TV on.

'Yay! Thanks C!' dave said.

I lowered the volume on the TV since basically everyone in the house aside from me (and now dave) was suffering a headache.

'Hey babe,' Jay said when he walked in.

'Hey,' I said as he sat down on the couch beside me. He kissed me on the cheek and set his attention on the TV, which was now showing Family Guy re-runs.

'We are leaving for the interview at 3, have you decided if you're coming or not?' he asked during the commercials.

'I'm not sure, I might if Mia can come,' I said.

'Of course she can, i'll tell dave know right now if you want,' he replied.

'Yeah, that would be great,' I said.

'Don't worry about it by the way. You are a strong girl,' Jay said. We both knew that I was worried about the hate. I tried to hide it, but he knew.

'Yeah,' I said a bit worriedly.

'Don't worry babe,' Jay said before hugging me from the side and giving me a reassuring kiss on the lips.

'Thanks,' I said with a smile.

'No problem,' I said.

'Come on guys, we need to go NOW,' Ian called from the living room.

'COMING!' I heard from at least two different people at the same time.

we left the house to go to the interview.
In the car-ride there, the boys were all joking about but I was a bit nervous about the interview so I didn't say much or pay attention.

'Here we have misguided ,' the radio host said.

'Hi,' all the boys chorused.

'So how are you guys dealing with all the fame,' the interviewer asked.

'It's not something you have to deal with really, I mean it's really great knowing that we have fans that support us,' jay replied.

The boys all agreed and the interview went on with the same questions that they were asked all the time.

'So, whos single and who isn't?' the interviewer asked.

last interview one year ago you were all single has that changed?' the interviewer asked.

'everyone, but jay is single' Daniel  said.

'So jay, a new girl huh?'

'Yeah, she is amazing,' he said with a smile.

I smiled to myself and fidgeted with my hands a bit.

'And who is this girl, may I ask,' the interviewer said.

'Actually, she is sitting over there,' he said, pointing to me.

'Ah, so you guys can't see this, but he just pointed to a girl who I believe is Ian and Daniels  twin sister, right?'

'Yeah,' he said while giving me a reassuring smile.

'And boys, how do you feel about your best-friend dating your sister?' the interviewer asked them.

'Well, at first I was a bit hesitant. You can ask all the boys and Caitlin  that I was a bit on edge about the whole thing, but seeing them together made me realize that I would be stupid to keep them apart,' Ian said, glancing at me quickly.

I was all for it actually, as you can tell im more of the laid back cool brother and ian's an old man' Daniel said making everyone laugh

'What would you have done if Ian would have been like, no you can't date her,' the radio host asked jay.

'In a sense I did that in the beginning,' ian said with a half smile.

'Yeah, he did, but I talked to him about it and now he's okay with it,' Jay said, glancing at Ian rather than me this time.

'Good to know,' the interviewer said.

The radio interview was then wrapped up and the boys were free to go.

'See, that wasn't so bad,' they said when came over and hugged me.

'Yeah, but I am still nervous about how your fans will react to this,' I said honestly.

'Don't worry about it babe, we will get through it,' Jay said before giving me a quick kiss on the forehead.

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