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I sat in the back room with My mum for about half an hour. I hadn't seen my mum or brother in about 3 years. Of course I had seen pictures of ian all over magazines and I couldn't be more proud. I had been on both of their twitters before and I had even watched one or two twitcams with ian and the guys. If only he had known. A phone ringing interrupted my thoughts. After I realized it was mine, I answered it.

'Hello?' I said.

'OHMYGOD WHAT JUST HAPPENED. WHERE ARE YOU CAITLIN?' I head Mia scream down the phone. She was screaming because all of the fans were screaming and that was the only way to be heard.

'Sorry, I am in a back room. I will come get you okay?' I said and I hung up after agreeing to meet Mia in the back of the crowd.

I got her and walked back into the room with Mia only to see a pacing ian


'Calm down mate,' daniel said from the couch without glancing up from his video-game with jay.

'Relax , I just went to get my friend because I sort of left her back with your fans,' I said

'Sweetie, we were so worried about you. What happened? Where did you go? Why didn't you call?...' my mum kept going with a bunch of mum questions.

'MuM relax,' I said.

'MuM?' all the boys and Mia said right away.

'What? Oh yeah. You didn't tell them?' I asked ian

'YOU DIDN'T TELL ME?' Mia said.

'I'm sorry. I couldn't tell anybody or it wouldn't work.'

'Now that you are here, would you please tell me what happened that made you leave? ian refuses to tell me,' mom said while shooting him an evil glare.

'Nothing,' I mumbled.

'What?' she said.

'NOTHING,' I said before storming out of the room.

I couldn't handle telling anybody else. Why didn't he just tell her? It would save me the pain of having to. I walked down some hallway and turned a corner and slid down the wall so that I could bury my face in my knees.

'Do you want me to tell her?' ian asked quietly.


'Do YOU want to tell her?' he asked.


'I'm sorry. I just. I missed you, and I couldn't handle telling anybody because I felt responsible,' he said.

'It wasn't your fault I got fucking raped,' I said.

'Yes. It was. I shouldn't have left you at the party. And I should have figured it out way earlier,' he said while shoving his hands in his pockets and sliding down the wall beside you.

'I told you that you would eventually be taller than me,' I said with a laugh.

'Yeah, I know, and now I am happy,' he said.

'You have changed so much,' I said honestly.

'Not as much as you,' he said.

'No, you have become an international rockstar who is supposedly a sex god, I have only died my hair blonde,' I said.

'But you have been through so much now. You seem so much more mature than the little Katie I grew up with,' he explained.

'Yeah, but I will always be immature. No matter how old I am, and so will you.' I said.

'Come on, let's go back in okay,' he said.

'All right fine,' I said while wiping my face with the sleeves of my jacket and slowly getting up.

'HAHAHA!' he screamed before picking me up bridal style and running down the hallway.

'NOO! You know I hate it when you do that!! PUT ME DOWN. NOW,' I screamed.

'Never!' He said before laughing evilly.

We ran into the room laughing and ian threw me onto the couch, though jay, daniel and jamie were already sitting on it.

'OOFF' they all said when I landed on them.

'Sorry, IT WAS HIM,' I said while getting up to chase my idiotic brother.

'Its alright love,' daniel said.

fine truce, please,' ian begged.

'Okay,' I said simply.


'Yeah. But I will get you for this later,' I said.

'Umm... Caitlin, I kind of have to go back home now, will I see you on Monday?' Mia asked me.

'Yeah, I will. Love you ' I said .

'Love you too cupcake,' she said before hugging all of the boys.

'You're welcome,' I said as she exited the room.

'Thank you oh so amazing one,' she said with a wink.

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