Radio interview

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'Why did she need to meet us?' Daniel asked. I knew he didn't mean it impolitely, he was just curious.

'Well I found her crying in the corner because some of your "FANS" called her ugly and fat and told her to go away,' I explained casually.

'What! That is absolutely horrible!' Daniel said.

'I know, I also found out that she cuts herself, which is an absolutely horrible thing to do and very hard to stop once you start,' I said nonchalantly.

All the boys agreed and then we were quiet for a while until all of a sudden Ian spoke up.

'Wait a second, how would you know that?' he asked suspiciously.

'No reason,' I mumbled and then I put my iPod on tuning out the boys. I knew that Ian knew I was lying but I could also tell that he would bring this up later. Maybe when we were alone.

We got onto the plane and I was sat in between jay and Ian This wasn't a long flight, about an hour. We were flying from Manchester, where I live? Used to live? I don't even know what it is anymore. I had heard that my brothers live in a flat with all of the other boys. After about 30 minutes of the flight I realized that I hadn't charged my iPod and it shut off.

'Yay,' I muttered to myself.

Ian immediately turned from Daniel (who was on his other side) to face me.

'Hey,' he said.

'Yeah?' I asked.

I could tell that he wanted to say something.

'So about earlier, umm... do you still... you know...' he kind of left it hanging there.

'No I don't, but I do regret it,' I said. I knew he was talking about cutting myself.

'Where?' he asked. I didn't cut on my wrist; it would have been too obvious. Instead I cut on my inner thigh, this way you wouldn't be able to see it unless I was wearing only underwear or a bikini, which I rarely did.

I just sort of smiled at him and opened my magazine leaving the question un-answered.

'Where?' he asked again.

So then I told him. At this point, jay was listening in, I knew he was and he was trying to hide it. I grabbed onto his hand to show him that I knew he was listening and he squeezed my hand back even though I could see that he was surprised. After this there was no more conversation and before long we landed at the airport.

Daniel being the energetic freak he is was practically jumping up and down in his seat when we were landing.

We got into the airport and there were lots of fans again. I went straight into the car and the boys went to talk to some of the fans. There were many questions as to who I was and to clear these up the management had scheduled an interview with some radio station tomorrow.

'Good to be back home,' Jamie said once the boys had gotten into the car.

you do realize that we were only an hour flight away right? You know, in the same country,' I stated.

'Meh, whatever,' he said while shrugging it off.

mum is coming to stay with us next week' said Daniel

'Good.' was all I said

I was glad for that. I was also glad that this interview was coming. Some fans had found my twitter and were pestering me saying that I was stealing the boys away and that I was using them for fame and some crazy things like that.

The next day went by fast and before I knew it I was at the airport waiting to see mum. As soon as I saw her, I ran full speed into her arms and she did the same.

'You have to tell me everything, you stopped sending me letters about a year ago,' she said. Tears were streaming down both of our faces as we hugged again.

'And your hair, it's blonde! It looks nice!' she said.

'Thank you, I missed you so much mum,' I said.

When we finally broke apart, mum hugged the rest of the boys and we got into the car to get straight to the interview.

Currently I was staying in my brothers spare bedroom and now that mum was here she can stay in there, I would move into one of the other boys' houses spare bedrooms to stay in. Jay offered, so I guess it would be his.

I haven't had much time to talk to jay since we last kissed but we were both being kind of shy. I don't know why. I was never shy around guys, I usually either told them to piss off or flirted with them. I never felt this way around someone before and I wanted so badly to go on another date with Jay.

We got to the interview place and there were no fans since it was in a secret location. We would be talking live to clear everything up.

The beginning of the interview went as usual, asking the boys' random questions and then the interviewer got into the reason that we were here.

'Hello everybody hope you're all doing well, today Joining us is the band 'misguided' with two special guests, the mystery girl from the papers and Ian and Daniel's mother Jenna, Say hello everyone,' the interviewer said.

'Hey!' we said at the same time.

'So Jenna, are you here to see your sons?' the interviewer asked.

'Yes and no, I came here to see them and to see Caitlin' she replied with a smile. I was always jealous of mum's confidence we are completely different.

'Okay, and you are Caitlin I am assuming?' he asked.

'Yes, I am ,' I said trying to look confident.

'Okay well last week misguided were out talking and singing to fans when ian all of a sudden saw you and basically chased you crying, claiming that he thought you were dead. Would either of you care to explain?' The interviewer asked.

We had planned this out. We were going to ignore the being dead part and just announce that we were twins and that I had left a while ago without warning due to personal issues. Surely enough that is what ian and me said.

'So you two are not dating, meaning that ian is single,' the interviewer asked.

'Yes, we are not and never will date and I am still single,' Ian said cockily.

'Right, so good news for you fans, IAN IS STILL SINGLE,' the interviewer said into the microphone.

We continued on with the interview for a bit, mainly going back to the boys and before long, it was over and we were heading back to the boys houses.

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