On the news

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'OHMYGOD. Yes! And the koala would obviously light up,' a very drunk Daniel said causing everybody else aside from me and jay to crack up. They boys just walked in the door, thankfully no girls with them. It is still however 3 in the morning and me and jay were sleeping on the couch.

'So you found your way home,' Jay said while stretching.

The boys just nodded and giggled. Jamie jumped on Daniels back and they were running around.

'I am going to sleep, and Ian you get to sleep on the couch because I refuse to sleep beside a drunk moron who will probably puke in the morning,' I said while leaving the room. I felt bad for jay because I left him with the boys, but I was too emotionally drained to bother with drunken people.

I was on the hotel bed, which was quite comfortable I have to admit and I was about to fall asleep when I heard a noise knock on the door.

'Who is it?' I asked, knowing it was going to be ian.

'Peter-pan,' he said before barging into the room while giggling.

'Fine, I will sleep on the couch, goodnight ,' I said while closing the door behind me.

I went onto the couch and notice that all of the boys were in their rooms; I guess jay was used to getting them to sleep. I was walking onto the couch but I hit my toe on the corner of the table and it hurt like fuck.

'SHIT!' I screamed while limping onto the couch in pain.

'You okay?' Jay asked while coming out of his room with no shirt on. My eyes trailed down to his abs and I bit my lips before looking at him back in the eyes.

'Yeah, I'm fine. I just hit my toe on the table leg,' I said while grabbing an extra blanket and a pillow and placing it on the couch.

'What happened to Ian sleeping on the couch?' he asked.

'Well it is 3 in the morning, so I am too tired to fight him about sleeping in the bed. So I just came here,' I explained.

'You know you can have my bed, I don't mind sleeping on the couch,' Jay said.

'Are you sure?' I asked.

'Yep,' he said before disappearing into his room.

I followed him in and sat onto his bed.

'I'm not tired anymore. Stupid boys,' I said while sighing.

'Same, want to watch TV or something?' Jay asked me

'Yeah sure,' i said, getting comfortable on his bed while grabbing the TV remote from the bedside table.

The news was on so I lied back down onto the bed and watched the news.

'I feel so posh. I haven't watched the news in years,' I admitted.

'Really? I watch it like once every few weeks,' he said turning to face me.

'Yeah,' I said. Then we both sort of started to lean in towards each other and we ended up kissing. It wasn't a full out make-out session, but it was still quite heated.

'Mystery girl has been seen with the popular punk/rock bad misguided after emotional reuniting with Ian at the interview with Radio 91.3 on Thursday last week.' We both pulled apart and surely enough I was on the screen looking like an absolute mess while Ian just looked cute while crying.

'Yay, don't I look so amazing,' I said sarcastically.

'You do, you always do,' jay said seriously. I yawned and just cuddled up to him to hide the fact that I was blushing. We watched the news a bit more and then I ended up falling asleep under the covers with a hot, shirtless jay.

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