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'GET TO HER FASTER OMG!!!' I yelled to the people who were coming into the apartment in what seemed like a snails pace. I probably looked like a mess and it seemed like hours had passed since Mia closed her eyes.

'COME ON MOVE YOUR FUCKING ASSES AND SAVE HER,' I screamed attempting to run towards them. I felt hands wrap around my waist to keep me from running towards them and a calm voice spoke into my ear.

'Relax . Screaming won't help. Let them do their job,' Jay said. I fought for a while but then I realized that jay wouldn't let go. I just stopped and watched as the medics took my limp best friend into an ambulance. One of the people told me and tony the address of the hospital and they said that they would meet us there. They drove off and I was left sobbing hysterically into Jay's arms. Daniel stood confused and had immediately offered to drive us to the hospital. Jay carried me into the car and went in the backseat with me. All this time, I let the tears stream down my face and the only sound I made were the sobs. Everything felt like it was going in slow motion. All I could think about was Mia.

As soon as the car stopped, I opened the door and ran into the hospital.

'WHERE IS SHE?' I screamed.

'Relax, please,' jay said as he took my hand in his and rubbed it comfortingly.

'NO! NOT UNTIL I KNOW WHERE MY BEST FRIEND IS,' I said, probably looking like a crazy person but I didn't care. The only thing that I wanted was for Mia to be okay. She is my rock. I can't be without her. There is no way that I could live without Mia.

'Anyone here for Mia Roberts?' a doctor said as he emerged from around the corner.

'That would be her,' Jay said while pointing to me.

'Yes?' I sniffled.
Is she okay? Please tell me she is okay,' I pleaded.

'Well... the thing is...' the doctor said, pausing briefly.

'Yes? The thing is. JUST FUCKING TELL ME THAT SHE IS OKAY,' I said loudly, causing everybody who wasn't already staring at me to turn towards me.

I felt jay put a comforting hand on my shoulder.

'So? Are you going to tell us or...?' Daniel said.

'Right, sorry. Mia is currently under intensive care. In the next 12 hours, anything could happen. There is a 65% possibility that she will not make it, but we are doing out best,' the doctor said with sympathy.

'Mia is a fighter, remember that,' Jay whispered after the doctor had turned away.

'I am going to call the others and let them know where we are,' Daniel  said and he went outside.

'What if she doesn't make it? What will I do then? Who will give me advice? Who will make me laugh when I am upset? Who will save me again? I can't go through this right now. Mia has always been the strong one, not me. I need her help. I need her with me. I just need her.' I said before collapsing into jay's arms and crying for what seemed like forever while we waited for some news on Mia.

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