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I woke up to soft talking around me.

'Mate, you can just get up,' a husky voice said. I immediately recognized

'Nah mate, I'm fine here don't worry,' ian whispered trying not to wake me.

I shifted a bit and stretched noticing that everyone was in the room.

Ian! Please put some clothes on. Just because I am your sister does not mean that I need to see you naked,' I said immediately waking up

'Aw, you party-pooper,' ian said while pretending to sulk, also wincing at my sudden loud voice. Someone has a hangover. He disappeared for a few seconds and came back into the room with boxers on.

My stomach grumbled loudly and Jay asked me if I wanted breakfast.

'No, it's okay,' I said while getting up and saying I was taking a shower.

When I came out of the shower and had changed (Outfit above) i went out and I noticed ian was lying on the couch rubbing his temples.

'Killer hangover?' I smirked.

'Yeah, plane leaves in 5 hours,' he mumbled.

'Where are we going?' I asked.

'Home,' Jay said from the doorway.

'Want some pancakes?' He asked.

Jay noticed that I was hesitating and sighed.

'I mean, come here and have a pancake,' he said.

'No seriously, I am fine,' I said.

'You have to eat, now come here before I chase you and force-feed you,' he said. I went into the kitchen and he basically watched me eat until I ate the whole thing.

'Whoa Jay, creepy much? I mean, I know you like her, but staring at her while she is eating is creepy,' jamie joked while walking into the kitchen. Jay just blushed and looked down.

'Sorry ,' he said.

'It's fine, I know you just want me to eat,' I said.

After eating the pancakes, everybody packed and we headed off to the airport. There were lots of fans there waiting for us at the airport and the boys stopped to give some autographs. I waited at the side with dave and then some fans were calling dave over and he went. I noticed one girl sort of hiding in the corner and she was crying so I went up to her. She looked about 13.

'Are you okay?' I asked.

'Yeah... you should go... try to see them... this might be your only chance and I don't want to ruin it for you,' she said in between sniffles.

'Trust me babe, I don't need to,' I said, 'Why aren't you there?'

'I am not pretty enough, or thin enough, or funny enough. I never was, for anybody,' she said, still crying.

'Come here,' I said pulling her into a hug.

'You are pretty, you are more than that, you are beautiful. Don't let anybody tell you otherwise. You are amazing and you deserve to meet the boys too,' I said.

'But the fan just called me ugly and pushed me backwards,' she sniffled.

'What the fuck. Okay look, some fans have issues. She only called you ugly because she was jealous. Jealous of you beautiful blue eyes and perfect hair. She just wants to see the boys.' I said as reassuringly as I could. She honestly was beautiful. She had amazing eyes, and naturally brown curly hair that I wanted so badly. Whoever said that was absolutely horrible and it hurt to see somebody else being affected by what some dumb girl had said.

'Thanks,' she said.

'Come on, you should meet the boys,' I said pulling her up from the floor, since we were both sitting against the wall at this point. When I pulled her up, I noticed that her sleeve dropped down a bit and revealed scars on her wrists. Some looked new. She saw me notice them and immediately pulled her sleeve back up.

'Don't do that. Trust me, it isn't worth it. No matter how much it hurts, keep going. You are stronger than you think. Now come on, you have to meet the boys before their flight leaves,' I said pulling her along.

'We won't ever get through the crowd,' she said.

'Not to worry, what is your name by the way?' I asked.

'I'm Jessica, Jess for short,' she said with a half smile. It wasn't fully genuine, but it would be once she got to see the boys.

'I'm Caitlin, nice to meet you,' I said.

'DAVEEEE!!! HELP ME THROUGH PLEASE!!!' I screamed as loudly as I could to be heard over the screaming girls.

Surely enough he came over and helped us through.

'Whoa, how did you get him to let you through? Do you know him or something?' Jess asked while looking shocked.

'Something like that, now come on!' I said pulling her even more.

'Almost time to go, I will get the boys,' dave whispered into my ear.

'Yeah, just let me help this fan meet them first okay, it's important,' I said.

dave gave me a thumbs up and started to get the boys back and the security started pulling away the fans. When Jess saw the boys she stopped walking.

'Wait, I can't do this,' she said hesitantly.

'Yes you can, come one,' I said with an encouraging smile.

'But what if they say that I am ugly or too fat for them,' she asked.

'You aren't either of them, they will love you, now get your sexy ass moving and let's go talk to them,' I said.

'Hey boys, this is Jess,' I said.

I turned to look at her and she was smiling with a single tear going down the side of her face.

'Hey beautiful,' ian said while hugging her. The rest of the boys hugged her and said hi too. They also signed her shirt.

'Sorry to interrupt guys, but we need to get onto the plane,' dave said.

'Bye Jess, it was amazing meeting you!' I said.

'You too, and thank you so much,' she said to me.

'No problem, wait do you have twitter?' I asked. She nodded and I wrote down her twitter on my hand so that I could follow her later.

'Bye,' I said before hugging her and leaving to get into the airport so that we could get onto the plane.

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