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*ian's POV*

I was worried. Why wasn't she eating? She should eat at least something. At my place I would give here food and force her to eat it if I have to. She was looking pale too, and I think it would help if she ate. We were almost at the car, when I hear Jay mutter shit. I turned around and saw that Caitlin was lying in his arms.

'What the hell mate?' I asked jay.

'I don't know, she just fell, so I caught her,' he said.

Just then, her eyes started to open again and she looked around a bit confused then said sorry.

'Sorry for what?' I asked her.

'Nothing,' she said.

'We are going to the doctors on the way to my place. You shouldn't be randomly fainting,' I said while getting in the drivers seat.

'Uhm. No way are you going to drive,' she stated simply.

'What, why not?' I asked her.

'Remember, I told you. I will never let you drive with me in the car,' she explained.

'Okay then daniel you drive, but I call shotgun,' I said.

'Fine, i will take the other car to our place, see you there mate,' Jamie said while glaring at Caitlin

'What the fuck is your problem?' Caitlin asked him.

'Why would I have a problem?' he said, still holding the glare.


So here is the bitchy Caitlin I remember. If someone gets on her bad side, you will be there for a long time. That was the flaw about her personality. If you are friends with her or something, she is amazing, but if you're not. You are going to go through hell.

'Guys, later okay. Bye jaime,' I said.

We got in the car and drove to the doctors. We walked into the doctor's office and explained the situation. Nobody mentioned anything about eating, we just said that she fainted after looking pale.

*Caitlin's POV*

So ian made me come to the doctors. I have nothing against them; it's just that if she finds out about how much I eat, she might put me on like food watch. Then I would have to eat more. Meaning I would have to run more. Shit. So the doctor just took a blood sample and left me in the room with ian daniel and jay.

Okay, well you don't have an illness or anything, but you have a lack of nutrition, have you been eating properly?' the doctor asked.

'No she hasn't, eaten since breakfast,' ian quickly added.

'Uuh, yeah, what he said,' I mumbled.

'Okay, well in that case, you will be fine. Just eat more, and no exercise for a week so that you can recover.' The doctor said.

We took the car home only to be greeted by screaming fans. ian instructed jay to help me get through, since he was in the drivers seat and that would be harder because of all the fans.

jay took my hand and started to pull me through the crowd.

I felt hands on my shoulders and I just kept getting flashbacks to that night.

*jay's POV*

I was pulling Caitlin through the crowd when I heard a very very loud scream. One that could be heard over the fans, the scream said,

'LET GO OF ME. STOP TOUCHING ME,' when I turned around I noticed it was Caitlin. She had tears streaming down her face and she was panicking. I didn't know she was claustrophobic or anything. ian would have told me.

I stepped towards her and put my arm around her and got through the crowd somehow. When we got into the hotel, I asked her if she was okay.

In response she pulled me into a hug and just stayed there. I rubbed circled into her back while she had tears flowing steadily out of her eyes. She wasn't making any noise though, so unless you say her tears, you wouldn't be able to tell that she was crying.

'Come on, let's get upstairs,' i said when the elevator came. I wrapped my arm around Caitlin and walked her in. When ian came into the elevator and noticed she was crying, he sweared.

'I'm sorry. I forgot,' he said.

'It's fine. A little warning would have been nice though,' she said simply while using her sleeve to wipe her tears.

'I know, I didn't realize that they would try to touch you. I'm so so so sorry come here,' he said with his arms open for a hug. She walked into them and they hugged until the elevator doors opened.

'We are all sharing one big bedroom, and you can sleep in mine, there's a double bed,' ian said.

'Okay,' She said with a smile. You could tell that she was feeling a bit better, because her smile looked more genuine than it did earlier.

We went into the hotel room and played some scrabble for a few hours. Caitlin didn't play but she watched and helped sometimes.

After scrabble, we all went to sleep, but I woke up at 1 in the morning. I decided to go to the gym to run. It would be empty, and running always helps me take my mind off things.

When I opened the door to the gym, I saw someone running, and she muttered shit when she saw it was me.

'I thought you weren't supposed to exercise for a week,' I asked.

'Umm... Yeah. That is why I am running at 1 in the morning, my brother would no way let me run, I already asked him earlier,' she explained while increasing the speed.

'You realize that it's a health risk to run right?' I asked her.

'Yeah yeah, whatever. I need to run though,' she said.

'You do realize that if ian knew that I knew about this and didn't stop it that he would kill me,' I asked her.

'Yeah, I suppose,' she said.

'Yeah okay, I need to stop this, you are looking pale already, come on,' I said. She was actually looking pale and wobbly.

'Haha, no it's okay. I just need 2 more kilometers and I am done!' she said while focusing on running again. Just then she looked like she suddenly became dizzy and she pressed stop to sit down.

'You okay?' I asked her.

'Yeah, this happened earlier too, I just need to sit for a few minutes, then I can run again,' she said.

'Yeah, no, you are coming with me, sorry,' I said. I was no way going to let her get hurt. ian and daniel would kill me and I would never forgive myself.

'Come on, let's go for a walk instead,' I said. Walking had to be better than running right?

'Fine,' she mumbled.

'Why do you need to run anyway?' I asked once we had grabbed our coats and gotten outside of the hotel.

*Caitlin's POV*

What does he mean why do I need to run? Is he stupid? Or Blind? I will never be able to lose weight if I don't run and pig out whenever I need to.

'Cause,' I said.

'Because what?' he asked. I knew he could tell I was a bit uncomfortable, but he didn't understand why yet.

'You can't possibly lose weight without exercising, and by pigging out on food.' I said while looking at the ground.

'You don't need to lose weight you aren't fat,' he said while trying to get me to look at him.

'Look at me Caitlin I am not joking. Over-working yourself will not help. Not like you need help anyway,' he said.

After that, neither of us said anything and we walked in silence, and it started to get cold. jay noticed that I was shivering and put his arm around me.

'Better?' he asked.

'Yeah thanks,' I said.

I could see the hotel get closer and closer. I sort of didn't want us to get there. It was nice walking with jay. Feeling him beside me, I felt safe, like nothing could hurt me

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