First time

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* JAY's POV*

I knew that the rape was hard for Caitlin. Some things just trigger her flashbacks and everybody around her understands that. Everyone knows not to bring it up, in the same way that if a crime show comes on with rape we know to change the channel. In the same way that I have to know not to push her into doing anything with me, which would be why we haven't had sex, and we haven't gone past making out. The only problem is that some "fans" don't know not to bring things up like that. Some fans don't think that calling her fat or ugly would trigger flashbacks and panic attacks for Hayley.

'Good morning,' I said when I noticed that Caitlin had woken up.

'I love you too,' was the first thing she said before hugging me. I thought she hadn't heard that, but I guess I was wrong. I kissed the top of her head before we headed into my kitchen to have some breakfast. I had fallen asleep before I had time to bring her back into her own house, so we just stayed on my couch cuddled together. My neck was a bit sore because of it, but I wasn't going to complain since I had gotten to sleep with her in my arms.


*caitlin's POV*

'You ready?' Jay called from the doorway.

'Yep, give me a sec,' I said while putting my shoes on (Outfit- photo above). I walked over to Jay and locked the door behind me before we headed over to his car. We were going out for dinner tonight then we'll go back to jay's and watch a movie or something.

'You look beautiful,' he said when we got into his car.

'Thank you' I said while blushing. We talked for the rest of the car ride and went into the restaurant without stopping our conversation. Before either of us noticed, dinner was over and we were heading back to his house.

'So what movie are we watching?' I asked.

'Not sure yet, haven't decided. We'll have to see what I have since you know the boys like to take my DVDs,' Jay said.

'Yeah okay,' I replied. We spent a few minutes debating on what movie to watch and in the end jay chose Love Actually because it is apparently a crime that I haven't watched it. While he got the movie ready I went and changed into a plan tshirt and pants..
when I came back out I sat down in between jay's legs and we cuddled while watching the movie. When the movie ended, we continued to cuddle and at some point jay's fingers had laced through mine. I turned around so I was now straddling jay and I kissed him gently. He wrapped his fingers around my middle and kissed me back. The sweet kiss soon turned more passionate and heated. I brought my fingers under his shirt and ran them along his chest and stomach, stopping before his waistband and going back up to his chest. Jay's hands were on my now bare waist since my shirt had ridden up a bit, exposing the skin. Jay grinded his hips into mine and i moaned into the kiss. I tugged jay's shirt off and continued kissing him, slowly moving down his neck and hearing his moans of pleasure. I grabbed his hand and pulled him into his bedroom where he straddled me this time. Using one hand to hold my face and the other to draw circled on my hip bone with his thumb. I put my hands to his waist-band indicating I wanted more and Jay looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

'Are you sure Caitlin?' he asked.

'I am, I can't keep you from having sex all your life,' I said.

'I can wait Caitlin, don't feel pressured into doing anything you don't want,' he said.

'I want this ' I replied. I did, I knew I couldn't deprive myself of sex either. I have to admit that I was scared, and tony knew that. I trusted jay though, and I knew he would stop if I told him to.

Jay glanced at me one more time and I nodded before stripping jay down to his boxers.
Jay continued to kiss me while stripping me down to my underwear as well. Jay. before stopping to look at the scars before kissing each of them individually. I felt my vision go blurry for a second as my mind raced back to thoughts from that night a few years ago.

'Please let me go!' I screamed.

'I know you want me Caitlin. No need to deny it,' Rory's authoritative voice spoke.

'Caitlin,' jay's voice snapped me out of it.

'Go on,' I said. Jay looked at me unsurely but kept kissing each of the scars. Jay's lips found their way back to mine as jay's boxers were eventually discarded as was my underwear.. He reached into his bedside table and got out a condom, tearing open the package with his teeth before placing it on. He positioned himself at my opening and looked at me one more time for confirmation. I nodded and Jay kissed my lips before pushing himself into me.

'Thank you,' I said after we had woken up the next morning.

'For what?' Jay asked.

'For waiting, for not pushing me, for making me feel comfortable, for being there, for everything,' I said.

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