Mia's date

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By three all of the boys and me and Mia were at the place where the boys were going to perform. Mia and me decided to let them practice on our own so we sat on the side and talked. I told her about this morning and she just nodded and agreed with whatever I said. That is why I loved Mia. She knew when it was a good time to just shut up and listen, and this was one of those times. Mia then told me about this new guy that she had seen at Starbucks and I let her ramble about how excited she was about their date next week. I agreed to go to her house and help her choose her outfit tomorrow and we were both mentally going through her closet for something to wear.

'30 MINUTES UNTIL SHOWTIME GUYS!' some official looking lady yelled.

I still hadn't talked to Ian but I wished all of the boys good luck. I didn't look at Ian even though I could feel him looking at me. Mia and me then left to get into the seats that we had booked so we could watch.

'They are so amazing Ohmygod,' Mia said while squealing from excitement. She was such a fangirl. I just rolled my eyes and agreed.

Soon enough, their performance was over. I was dreading the end since I knew that meant I had to face Ian again.

Mia and me took a cab back to Ian's  house, which I guess was my home now too, after their performance knowing it would take them a while to get changed and talk to their fans.

The boys got back home about an hour after us. Mia said that she was going to go home now and we agreed that I would go over to her house at next week to help her get ready for her date. Daniel then excused himself and went to his room so that Ian and me could talk.

'Sorry,' we both said at the same time.

'I didn't mean to flip out on you Caitlin,' ian said.

'I'm sorry I over-reacted and basically provoked you to flip out on me,' I said.

We talked for a few minutes basically repeated the conversation with tony and I promised to try harder to eat. He said he would get me professional help if I couldn't do it alone but I insisted that I could. I was determined that I would.

The next week went by fast. Mom went back home after saying some emotional goodbyes at the airport. The paparazzi got so many pictures of us, much to the paparazzi's delight.

'What about this?' Mia asked showing me a green shirt.

'Nah, what about that one?' I asked pointing to a white shirt. We were trying to find some shirt that matched Mia's new cute white skirt. She was in love with it and refused to wear anything else as a bottom. We ended up deciding on a crop top with pink flowers on it pointed to and added some jewellery (Outfit- photo above ). Soon it was already 6:55 and we knew that the guy would be here soon. I found out that his name was Will and he was supposedly very hot. I decided to leave before he came however but I saw him on my way out anyway.

I arrived back at my brothers house, which was now technically my house since my mom wouldn't let me move back to the old motel that I was staying at. I was playing scrabble with Daniel for a while.

'I swear, antiphobia is the phobia of ants,' Daniel said.

'No it isn't even a word ,' I said.


'Ian, tell Daniel  that antiphobia is not a word,' I said to a bored ian who was drinking a beer and watching TV.

My phone rang from my bag across the room. It was Mia I glanced at the clock quickly and realized she had only been on her date for an hour, why was she calling me?

'Hey Mia,' I said into the phone.

'Caitlin!' Mia said before bursting into tears.

'Babe what's wrong,' I said.

'He... and... I don't know... and... I need to talk to you....' she said in between cries.

'Call a cab and get your ass over here okay then we can talk things through,' I said. I felt bad for not going over to her, but I was in my PJs and it would take longer for me to change.

'Okay, see you soon babe,' she said while sniffling.

'Love you,' I said before hanging up.

'What was that?' Daniel and Ian asked at the same time.

'Not sure, something is wrong though,' I said while sighing and sitting down to finish our game of scrabble while waiting for Mia.

I heard frantic knocking and immediately ran to the door and pulled Mia in for a hug.

'Come on, let's sit down and you can tell me what is wrong okay,' I said while moving over to the couch.

The boys got up and left to give Mia and me some space to talk privately.

After a while of Mia crying into my shoulder she composed herself and looked at me in the eye.

'How did you deal with it for so long before trying to commit suicide?' she said before breaking down again.

Will had raped her. Oh my god.

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