Twister and dinner

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*Caitlin's POV*

Everything is finally sorted out jay explained to Ian what had happened and After about an hour of them debating about things he finally believes him. he was just being his stubborn self but I guess he had to give in eventually.

'MUM!!!!' I said while running to hug her. I truly missed her and seeing her for that short amount oftime was not enough. I had talked to her a few times on the phone and through Skype though.

'Hey darling, are the others around?' she said while hugging me.

'Yeah, I think they are all at jamie's place,' I said while helping her with her luggage.

'Why aren't you there?' she said.

'A bit emotionally drained,' I said with a laugh. I brought her stuff into the guest room and grabbed my stuff out of there.

'You can go over to jamie's I will be there in a few minutes. Just going to drop my stuff off at Jay's house,' I said.

'All right honey, see you,' mum said while going out to head over to his house.

I walked into Jay's house with my bag and was surprised that Jay was there.

'Hey I'm just going to put my stuff in the guest-room,' I said with a smile.

'Okay,' he said. He seemed a bit upset and didn't sound or look as cheery as usual.

After I put my stuff down I sat beside him on the couch.

'What's wrong?' I asked.

'Nothing really,' he said.

'Come on, I know something is up,' I said.

'Not really, I am just thinking about what happened yesterday. What if Ian wouldn't have believed me? What would I do then? I still don't think that he believes me and that hurts because he is one of my closest mates and he should know that I would never do something like that,' he said.

He had a point, him and Ian were close and I knew that if something similar happened to me and Mia wouldn't have believed me or doubted me at all I would feel bad as well.

'I'm sure that there was a part of Ian that didn't believe it, there was just the other part that was being the over-protective brother that took over,' I said.

'I guess you are right,' he said. I gave him a hug and got up.

'Are you joining me and the others? my mum just got here and I am sure she wants to see you.'

'Yeah sure' Jay responded while getting up and following me over to jamie's house.

'Hey guys!' jamie said when we walked in.

'You feeling better Jay?' He asked.

'Yeah, I am,' he said. I assumed that he had told the others he didn't feel well when he didn't join them. I guess I had sort of done the same thing.

'So guys, are you hungry? Because I am starving,' Jamie said.

Jamie, when are you not hungry,' Daniel said.

'Shut up,' jamie responded which just caused everyone to laugh.

'Let's play twister!' Daniel said all of a sudden.

'Only if I can be the spinner,' I said.

'No! That isn't fair! Everybody has to play,' Daniel whined.

'Alright, fine,' I said giving in. I knew that Daniel  would keep bugging me until I agreed to play anyways and I wasn't up for fighting against it. Jay just sent me a sympathetic smile and went to get twister from his apartment.

'Dinner's ready!' Ian said when he walked into jamie's apartment.

'Whoa! Intense game,' Ian said once he saw how the game was going.

it was just me, Daniel and Jay left and we were all tangled together.

'Right hand blue,' jamie said.

I quickly moved my hand to blue and then Daniel  collapsed on top of me and Jay making us fall.

'I think me and Jay won that,' I said.

'NO! You guys touched the ground first,' Daniel  said.

'Yes but we wouldn't have if you hadn't fallen on top of us,' Jay replied.

'But I still haven't touched the ground, see,' he said pointing to Jay and me who were sprawled on the ground. We started to get up and we kept arguing about who had won the twister until jamie got fed up that we were walking too slowly and just declared that we tied so that we would both shut up.

I guess you could say that dan and me were both competitive.

We had nice pasta for dinner and as usual I just ate a bit. Mum, Jay and my brothers looked at the amount of food disapprovingly but they all decided to leave it for now. After eating everybody headed back to their own houses, jay and me watched some TV and snuggled up together.

My head was resting on his chest and his arm was around my waist. It felt so comfortable. I slowly found myself dazing off and after a while I fell asleep in Jay's strong arms feeling safer than ever before.

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