Let me explain

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'That asshole,' ian muttered before hugging me and then going to the kitchen.

A few minutes later jamie knocked on the door and demanded to come in. I let him in since Ian was still in the kitchen, presumably making food.

'what the fuck,' Jamie said basically ignoring my existence.

'You can't just punch your mate for no reason,' he said.

'But I had a reason, a good one too. What a prick,' he said.

'Well then, what was it,' jamie challenged.

'HE FUCKING CHEATED ON MY SISTER,' he replied angrily.

'Um sorry to interrupt but you do realize that technically he couldn't cheat on me since we were never official,' I said from my position on the couch.

Jamie just looked between us and , muttered something, and then ran out of the house to Jay's house.

'What was that about? I asked.

'Don't know,' Ian shrugged bringing some ice cream and turning on the TV.

we sat on the couch and ate ice cream while watching TV for about half an hour, and then jamie returned.

'Caitlin come with me. Jay did not cheat on you, just let him explain,' he said while coming towards me and grabbing my wrist.

Ian just kept watching TV so I followed hi-me out the door.

'Hey jay,' I said.

'So you are talking to me?' he said from where he was sitting. He was holding an ice pack to his bloody nose.

'I don't know what is going on to be honest. When I saw ian he just looked pissed and I asked him what was wrong and he just sort of ran out of the room. Then he told me you cheated on me but not how or with who,' I said.

jamie, sorry can we talk in private?' Jay asked.

'Yeah sure mate, I'll be in the kitchen if you need me,' he said.

'I didn't cheat on you,' he said.

'I know, and you technically couldn't have since we were never official or anything. So you still technically have the right to do that,' I said.

'That's not what I meant, I am quite confused too although I think I have a feeling I know why he thinks I cheated on you,' he said.

I gestured for him to go on and I sat down beside him waiting for him to continue.

'Well yesterday I was out with a friend from when I was in school, I hadn't seen her in a while and we just went out for lunch. There were obviously paparazzi following us but we didn't really mind since nothing was going on. Then a fan came up behind me and sort of pushed me into her. We didn't kiss of anything I just sort of stumbled into her but I saw some of the pictures and the angles did look like we were snogging or something,' he said kind of sheepishly.

'Okay, I believe you,' I said.

'You do?' he asked.

'Yes, I do what's a relationship without trust.' I said with a smile. He leaned in a kissed me on the cheek and then we just sat there for a while with my head on his shoulder.

'How's your nose by the way.my brother can throw a mean punch, I can speak from experience,' I said.

'It's a bit sore, but it is getting better,' then he paused for a moment and seemed to realize something.

'He has punched you? What? Why?' he said.

'We are siblings, that is what we do,' I said with a laugh.

'Guys, I think you will want to talk to Ian,' Jamie said as he passed the room.

'Alright, I can go talk to him,' I said.

'No, I will, alone. He should hear it from me,' Jay said and he got up and headed towards Daniel and Ian's house

I just hope that Ian believes him like I did.

*jay's POV*

I am so glad that she believed me. I swear I didn't kiss her, and if I did I didn't mean it. The fan just suddenly pushed me into her and the pictures were so convincing. I had to rethink it over again to make sure that I hadn't kissed her. I knew that Caitlin and me weren't official, but I wanted us to be. So that I could call her she and mine could call me hers.

I just had to make her brother believe me. He was over-protective when it came to Caitlin. You could tell by the way that he looked at her and when he ever caught me looking at Caitlin.

'Hey can I explain?' I said as I walked into his house. He was still watching TV.

'Whatever,' he mumbled.

I explained to him what happened and he still looked like he showed no interest in what I was saying. I guess that was his defense mechanism, looking like he didn't care, even though he knew just as well as I do that he does care.

'Just please believe me , nothing happened,' I said and left.

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