Reunited and confessions

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Why isn't Mia answering her phone? I have called her 11 times in the past day. Oh god I hope she isn't mad for me not telling her.

I decided to text her.

'Come over to the boys hotel so we can talk okay? Be here ASAP' I texted her the address to the hotel and continued to watch Pretty Little Liars on the TV.

'Kate, someone's at the door. I can't be arsed to get it! GO OPEN IT,' Ian yelled from the kitchen.

I smiled realising that he was calling me by my nickname like before all this shit happened.

'MIA!' I said with a smile. She shot me a glare and walked past me to sit on the couch.

'I'm sorry,' I said.

'That's all you have to say. I AM SORRY? I thought you were my best friend. We told each other EVERYTHING. But oh; you forgot to mention that you had a fucking twin brothers who just so happens to be a rockstars! Did that thought never cross your mind to tell me that? Did you also lie about how you got here, WHY you were trying to commit suicide when I found you? Were you doing it because having TWO INTERNATIONAL ROCKSTAR BROTHERS WAS TOO HARD FOR YOU!?!??!' she yelled.

'MIA! LISTEN,' I said struggling to get her attention.

'HE WASN'T FAMOUS WHEN I MET YOU. That is why I never told you. Think about how I felt when I found out. I was casually reading a fucking magazine and BAM my twin brothers are on the cover with 2 other boys I have never met in my entire fucking life. DO YOU KNOW HOW I FELT? I know it was my choice to leave. But it still shocked me. I couldn't wrap my head around it. So I never told you,' I said. Both of us were in tears by now.

'You should have told me,' she said sadly.

'I know, I just never thought that I would see him again.'

When I followed Mia's gaze, I found all the boys staring at us.

'The fuck are you looking at?' I snapped at them. I know I shouldn't have, they all looked concerned. But I had to.

'Aw, there's the Caitlin I know,' Mia said and pulled me into a huge hug.

Mia turned to the boys and spoke calmly,

'When was the last time you SAW Her eat?'

'MIA please let me handle myself,' I said.

'Yeah sure, because that turned out SO WELL last time,' Mia said sarcastically.

'Just make sure she eats,' she said to the boys.

They all nodded their head and pretended to busy themselves with something else.

'Babes, I really have to go, but call me,' Mia said.

'HEY I JUST MET YOU, AND THIS IS CRAZY BUT HERE'S MY NUMBER, SO CALL ME MAYBE,' Mia and me sang horribly off pitch at the top of our lungs while I was walking her to the door.

'See you slut,' she said.

'Right back 'atcha whore.'

'Can I talk to you Caitlin?' Ian said in a serious tone.

'Well you are talking to me now aren't you? I said.

'Privately,' he said.

'Sure whatevs,' I said and followed him into our room.

'How long has this been going on,' he asked.

I know we are twins but I am not a psychic.

'How long has what been going on?' I asked.

'Not eating.'

'Oh that, don't worry about it,' I said.

'What did she mean by last time?' Ian asked.

'Stop with the questions, I am fine and will be fine okay,' I said.and walked away

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