Call an ambulance

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I woke up in my bed. Jay was nowhere to be seen, but Mia was sleeping beside me. She was shifting a bit awkwardly and after a bit I noticed that she was crying. She was probably having a bad dream. I got those after the incident too. They were some of the worst parts because they all felt so real, probably because they had once been real. I don't get nightmares anymore, but the flashbacks are just as bad, and they can happen wherever you are, not just when you are sleeping.

'Mia,' I said and I shook her.

'Mia, wake up,' I said a bit louder. She opened her eyes and they were red from crying and I just hugged her. She cried into my shoulder for a bit and then we decided to go get some breakfast. It was weird seeing this side of Mia. She had always been the loud, outgoing person who doesn't get bothered by anything . I have never seen her so emotionally distraught before. I could tell from the way she walked and the way she moved that it was hurting her. I remember how it feels, and I just wanted to do something to help. I knew that the best thing would be to report Will.

After we had breakfast, Mia told me that she would agree to report Will. We went into the police station and told them about it. The girl there had a fake smile plastered on her face the entire time. I immediately disliked her. She was 20 years old with died blonde hair, a fake tan, and lots of makeup. After we told her, she excused herself and went to get someone else and they started taking down the events of the night and Will's contact information.

'Thank you for coming. I know it must be hard, but it will be for the better in the end. There are a few brochures over there that can help you if you want to look through them,' the lady who was in her mid 40's said. I smiled at her and me and Mia took a couple of random brochures to be polite and left. Both of us knew that we would never even look at them.

We got back to the apartment and Mia said that she was tired and was going to sleep. It was only about 4 PM, but I remember wanting to be alone and being tired too, so I let her go. I told her that I would come wake her up for dinner and she nodded and left. I sat down onto the couch and turned the news on.

'Hey,' jay said as he came into Ian and Daniels apartment. He sat down beside me.

'So, how was it?' He asked. I had texted him telling him that we were going to the police station.

'Eh, it was okay. I don't see how it could have gone better considering the circumstances. I am thankful that I didn't notice any paparazzi lurking around though. I am sure they would have loved seeing us going into a police station,' I said.

'Yeah, that would have been some story,' he said. We continued to watch the news for a while and at some point jay and me started holding hands.

I heard a crash from the room that Mia was in and I looked at jay and quickly got up to see what was going on. I immediately thought of the worst thing that could have happened and I practically ran into the room.

*not written very graphic but trigger warning incase*

'Mia! MIA! No!' I said as I ran to her.

'Mia, don't do this. No. Stay with me Mia. You did it for me, I am going to do this for you. Mia, can you hear me,' I practically yelled as soon as I saw Mia's fragile body on the floor with blood. She had a knife in her hand and I took it away from her and threw it across the room.

' CALL A FUCKING AMBULENCE!' I said not caring that I sounded like a crazy bitch.

'Mia, please don't do this. Mia,' I said as tears welled up in my eyes and fell to the floor.

'Thank you Caitlin. I love you, remember that,' Mia said as she closed her eyes and I felt her body go limp.

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