Lets go shopping girls

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*shopping outfit & hair/makeup above*

When we got back to the hotel, I sat in the living room watching some TV for a while because I wasn't really tired. At about 4:30 in the morning, I realized I should shower before everyone else wakes up and hogs the bathroom so I went into mine and Ian's room and stole some of his clothes. I took a shirt, sweat pants and some white vans and then went to take a shower. I took my time in the shower and then I heard a knock at the door.

' cait you in there?' Ian's husky morning voice asked through the door.

'Yeah, I am,' I said while finishing off washing my hair.

'Can I come in? I need to go to the bathroom,' he said.

'Yeah sure,' I said. He was always like that. Needing to go to the bathroom when he couldn't. I swear, his bladder needs therapy or something.

I was finally done my shower, so I asked Ian to pass me my towel and so he did. I then changed into the pants and shirt that I stole from him.

'You know you can't use my clothes forever,' he said.

'Yeah I know, but I can for now,' I said. Ian and I were basically the same size. We always were. He is now taller than me by a few inches though.

'Boys, get ready, it's shopping time,' ian said while mocking a girls voice.

This earned a laugh from the other boys but everybody went to get ready. I quickly did some makeup, and put my hair in a high ponytail and then we all left to go shopping.

My brother being the gentleman that he was, bought me a whole bunch of clothes! Way to much in my opinion because I could always call Mia and get my clothes from my house.

When I was ready to leave I walked back to the boys who were busy flinging bras at each other.

'Come on boys, lets go,' I said.

They all looked at me and continued. Except for jay who came to join me.

'LUNCH IS ON ME!' I screamed and then grabbed jay's hand and pulled him out of the store. We stopped outside of the store and I expected jay to drop my hand, but he didn't. Soon enough, all of the boys were here and ready to go eat.

We went out to some restaurant nearby for lunch. Jay played with my fingers under the table during lunch and I have to admit that I enjoyed it. I did notice Ian shooting him some glared but he just smiled.

'Jay, can I talk to you, just for a second. Outside,' he said.

'Yeah sure mate, but maybe in the bathroom or somewhere more private would be better since the paparazzi would be all over us if we stepped outside of this restaurant,' jay said.

He agreed and they went to some backroom.

'What was that about?' I said

' it obviously has to do with the fact that jay is all over you,' Jamie said while stuffing more chicken into his mouth. I looked outside and saw the paparazzi eagerly waiting for one of us to do something stupid.

'You guys want to give the paparazzi something interesting?' Daniel asked innocently.

We all agreed and asked him what to do.

'When ian comes back, I will pants him,' (pull his pants down) Daniel explained.

'Okay, just hope he's not going commando,' jamie said.

everyone laughed

*Ian's POV*

'Jay can I talk to you just for a second Outside,' I said.

'Yeah sure mate, but maybe in the bathroom or somewhere more private would be better since the paparazzi would be all over us if we stepped outside of this restaurant,' Jay said.

I couldn't stand to see Caitlin get hurt, especially by Jay. I could see it in the way that he looked at her. But no way was I going to let that happen after what happened before she ran away.

Being raped is one thing, but being raped by your best friend was another. I should have never trusted him with her in the first place.
I needed to protect her. I didn't last time, and she got hurt. So now I will.

'Jay please tell me that you don't like her,' I said.

'Um...' he said while looking around and playing with his hands.

'So you do?' I asked him.

'I guess so, yeah,' he said honestly.

'I hate going all parental on people, but please go easy on her. She hasn't had the best experiences when it comes to relationships. She will tell you eventually. So No. Fucking. Her. Do you understand? Physically and emotionally,' I said.

'I don't know if you know this, but that is her choice. Physically I mean. I would never fuck with her brain. Any girls brain for that matter, and you know it,' he said.

I did. When him and Rebecca broke up, he was crushed for weeks. He would never hurt a girl intentionally like some people.

'I know mate, I just want you to know that before you do anything stupid, make sure that she tells you what happened to make her run away. She will tell you in her own time, but it is something that you need to know before you two do anything,' I instructed.

I knew she trusted him, and it wouldn't be long until jay found out what it was. Out of the boys, me and daniel were the only ones that knew what happened to her, and she should be the one to tell the others. Not me.

After our chat we were walking back to the table when my so called brother stood up, ran to me and pulled my pants down.

WHY???' I said while pulling my pants back up.

It was times like this that made me so glad that I wasn't commando. I was about to go commando this morning, but decided against it. Thank god.

Everyone just erupt into laughter, including me. The paparazzi were enjoying this, I could tell so I chased daniel around the restaurant until the waiter told us to sit back down or leave.

After we were done eating, we went back to the hotel. We were all tired.

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