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Naruto pov

"Sir....sir.." I hear one of my staff slash best friends run down the hall.

"Kiba for the last time call me by my first name." I said.

"Sorry si-Naruto anyway your late for your meeting with the Hokage about that important thing." He said.

"Right I'll go right now thanks Kiba!" I said while running down the hall.

"Man that dude can run when he needs to."

I ran down the hall as fast as I could to the meeting. When I finally made it I busted through the door making everybody look at me startled.

""? I said while panting. The Hokage looks at me and smiles.

"Of course you did you have your fathers speed." He said. I rub the back of my neck nervously and smiled.

"Right now shall we began?" I said. I sat down next to him and prepared myself.

"Right Naruto you have very successful history of of taking over things and with your experience with that we could use your help." The Hokage said.

"Sure what business are you planning to take over?" I asked.

"I'm planning on taking over that Haruno hospital and turn it into another law form." He said seriously.

"Wait what but why I mean its a hospital in fact the best hospital in the city!" I shouted. I was surprised that he would actually try and take a hospital.

'Why does he want to take the hospital theres got to be a reasonable explanation?'

"The government wants to build another law firm out of that hospital so the employees will just have to move to another hospital or build a new one." He explained.

"But-!" I was cut off

"You can't go against the government so do what you must." He said turning away from me.

"...Ok I'll see what I can do." I said sadly. He dismissed me and I was walking back to my office thinking.

'Man I feel sorry for those people but life not a fairytale ya know, but oh we'll starting tomorrow I'll check things out over there.' I headed to my office but I bumped into Kiba.

"Oi Naruto you need to watch where your going." He said with a scale on his face.

"yeah I guess." I said giving him my signature smile.

"So how did the meeting go with the Hokage?" He asked me.

"It went well but he wants me to take over Haruno hospital so the government can make it a new law firm." I said. I still don't get why they want to do this I mean it's a hospital for heaven's sake

"What why would they do that to our best hospital and the new owner?" He asked in confusion. I could tell it didn't make sense to him either.

"I don't know ,but I'm going to have to take it." I said shaking my head.

"Who is this new owner and how tough is he?" I asked him. I wanted to know so I can get a heads up on what I'm going up against.

"Her name is Sakura Haruno, she was trained by the former owner lady Tsunade so you better watch out for her temper and fists." Kiba explained.

"Yep I'm totally looking forward to this one." I said with sarcasm. 'Well my life just got a lot harder.'

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