Filler Chapter 33

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Sakura pov 14 months later~

Its been fourteen amazing months since Naruto and I started dating. And ever since that day we've fallen deeper and deeper in love with each other. A lot of things has happened during these fourteen months.

First off, I found out that Ino was the one who paid that waitress at Panera Bread to 'accidentally' trip and push me into Naruto. Also I found out that she was pregnant too! She said she wanted to keep it a secret until the baby wanted to show. And that's exactly how I found out!

One day while we were at work, I noticed her skin glowing a little. At first I thought she had a little midnight fun but then she kept going to the bathroom. At that point I knew she was pregnant. I was surprised that I didn't notice sooner because when I did find out she was two months pregnant.

I threw her a baby shower with the help of my other coworkers and had a great time. A seven moths later she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl named Keiski. She looks like Choiji but has her mom's eyes and attitude.

Also during these months I've manage to become close friends with Sasuke and Karin. Sasuke is a little rough around the edges but you'll get used to it. Now Karin on the other hand is a different story. We got along really quick since we had some things in common. I was also there for the birth of their child. I was actually the one who birth the baby boy named Hisoka. He had his fathers looks but his mother will power.

Sorry so short just saying what happened in the last fourteen months

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