Chapter 34

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Third person pov

As we all know, fourteen months have passed for our couple. But for the past few weeks there has been something bothering Naruto. Lets see what the problem is hmm?

Naruto pov

"Well do you think I should tell her now or wait a little bit longer?" I ask.

"I think you should figure out this one out yourself Naruto." Sasuke said.

"But teme." I whined. But I stopped as soon as he gave me a hard stone cold glare.

"Shut it dobe Hisoka and Karin is trying to sleep and if you wake them up they'll kill me and then I'll kill you...understand?"

"U-uh Y-yes I do." I said gulping nervously.


"But I'm serious teme should I or should I not?" I said.

He then sighed and said "In my opinion you should tell her now I mean you've been together for fourteen months so I guess its only natural that you do."

"Yeah..I should do it."

"I'll ask her to marry me tomorrow night." I said with a smile.

"Well you need help picking out the ring so your going to need my help." Karin said while standing on the steps of their stairs.

"I thought you were sleep..." Sasuke said bluntly while turned away.

"I was but I got hungary."

"Wait are you going to help me pick out the ring."

"Yes I am while you stay hear with the baby Sasuke."

"No I won't your taking him with you." Sasuke saidwith a bored expression.

"No your staying here and besides it your turn." Karin said while pushing up her glasses.

"What do you mean my turn?" Sasuke now looking interested.

"Um its your turn as in I took care of him all last week so its your turn!"

"Tch." He said. Karin was about to say something but interrupted her.

"Teme just take care of Hisoka while Karin helps me find a ring!"

Sasuke was about to say something but then........"Wahhhh....wahhhh."

"Our yelling must of awakened Hisoka." Sasuke said but he didn't hear a response so he turned around. "Bastards..." He said. They had left him to deal with the small child. "Wahhhhh." He sighed and headed upstairs to his crying child. He cringed at the annoying child's crush as he pick him up.

"Um...go to sleep...little child." As he said that he bounced the baby and the baby started doing just that.

"Hmmm..I guess you are a cute child." He admittedly said.


"Well what about this one sir?" The lady said.

"No thanks that's not her type of ring." I said shunning the ring."

"Naruto your gonna have to pick something." Karin said.

"I don't think I see the one in here Karin." I said disappointed in the ring designs.

"Well if you don't see anything-"

"Wait I can show one more thing!"

"Umm I guess I could see this one more ring." I said. The lady then went to the back room. She then came back with a white case that looks like it hasn't been touched until now. She then proceeded to open the case which consisted of a beautiful ring with a unique design.

"This ring is a special kind of ring thats made from specific kinds of diamonds."

"It looks much is it?"

"$200,000." The lady said.

"Ugh why so much!" I shouted.

"Like I said its made from a specific kind of diamond."

"Ugh fine." I said. I then gave her a check and she gave me the ring. We then drive back to Karin's house only to find something....unusual. It was Sasuke in the nursery asleep in a rocking chair with Hisoka in his arms.

"I'll get the camera." I said with wide eyes. I then pulled out my phone and took a picture of them.

"Send it to me ok." Karin said.

"Oh I will." I said. 'That is going to make good blackmail.'

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