chapter 3

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Naruto pov next day

"Stupid troll broke my nose!" I said cleaning up  the blood trickling down my nose.

"HeyI told you to be careful with her." My assistant said while stacking signed paperwork.

"shut up!"

"tch whatever."

"Naruto!" I heard my name being called down the hall. Then shikamaru came in. "Naruto we have a problem."

"What is it?" I asked walking ober to him.

Its Sasuke, he's in the hospital." Je said.

"What!? What hospital?” I hope its not the hospital that I'm thinking of.

"The Haruno hospital."

That's when my assistant started to laugh. "Hahaha!"

"Why is he laughing?" Shikamaru asked.

"Because haha that's haha the  hospital he got beaten up at haha!" Kiba laughed.

"Shut up dog breath!"

"so troublesome." I heard him mumble.

"Look are we going or not"? I said impatiently.

"Yes and your cousin is already there so don't worry about her."

"Well let's go!"

Timeskip at the hospital

Hopefully I won't run into that pink haired bi- "Hey what are you doing in my hospital!" Ugh just my luck.

"Seeing a friend now if you don't mind." I said pushing her to the side.

"Do you need another beating from me demon boy. " She threatened.

"Sorry I don't have time for big forheaded trolls today." I said bluntly. As I said the her face turned a deep shade of red.

"Sharruno!" Then she punched me in my stomach but it didn't hurt as much as when she broke my nose. As she turned to walk away I kicked her in back then she tripped.

"This is better than the fight I watch on payperview!" I heard kiba say. Shikamaru nodded his head in agreement. Then we made our way to sasuke after asking where he was.

When we finally arrived we were greeted by Karin , my cousin.

"Teme!" I ran over to his side

"Keep your voice down dobe!"

" S-Sorry teme.."

"So troublesome.....what exactly happened?" Shikamaru asked.

".....I got hit by a car."

"Well are you ok"? Kiba asked.

"Yeah I'll be out in six weeks or more."

"And we have an announcement to make.". Karin excitedly saud, taking Sasuke's hand in hers. "We are having a baby!" The room fell silent.

" going to say something". "Teme!"

"Oh hell no!"

" Shut up dope!" Sasuke rolled his eyes. "Anyway I have an announcement too..." Sasuke turned to his girlfriend, squeezing her hand."Karin....thank you for sticking by me through thick and thin even though I was cold to you and how you deal with me puts me in a daze "

Is he doing what I think he's doing?

"Karin uzumaki will you be my wife?" He proposed.

That's it Imma kill him!

"Yes yes yes!"

"Finally its about time!" Kiba said.

"Congrats." Shikamaru said.

" Naruto you....ok "? Karin asked.

I sighed. " long asyour happy.....I'm happy...take care of her teme."

"I will.",

I'm not good at fighting scenes ok!

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