chapter 14 final part4

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Sasuke pov mean while~



"Sasuke Kun!"

"Karin please shut up and don't call me again." 'Such an annoyance.' I then began to hang up the phone until she spoke again.

"Wait please don't hang up I need your help!"

"Ugh what is it this time?"

"its Naruto have you heard from him since the funeral?"

"No nobody has seen him since then."

"Well can you check on him today with me?"


"oh come on Sasuke he his your best friend plus...I..I'm really worried."

"Fine I'll be at his house in ten." I said then hung up.

Time skip~

Knock knock knock.........knock knock Knock.

"Ugh Naruto open up!" There was still no answer.

"Hold up I'll get the spare key." Karin said. "Here now open it."

"What do you think I'm doing." I then opened the door and when we walked in I saw something I didn't want to see. I saw Naruto in a corner cry with...a knife in his hand? "Naruto san what happened in here!?"


'Naruto what did you do' "I'm....sorry..I'm so sorry...."

"Naruto what are you talking about?" I wanted to know.

Third person pov
After they interrogated him about what happened, he finally told them about it. Naruto told them.about how he almost stabbed the doctor but hugged him instead. He also say the doctor wouldn't press charges and keep it on the low.

So after some talking with Naruto, Sasuke and Karin decided to put Naruto in a mental hospital so he can get it together. So two alweeks later they signed him in and visited him every single day.

The news haven't had anything relating to incident so Natuto really was in the clear.

And from that day on Naruto, Sasuke, and karin decided its just between them. Five months later he's well again and has his positive go lucky personality back. So they checked him out and eventually found a job, a mentor, and a good position in one of the most successful companies in Japan.

What was I going through writing all if this cringy mess.

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