Chapter 24

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Sakura pov

"Ok so where are you going to take him forehead?" Ino said.

"Honestly I don't know."

" Well your going to have to think of something."

"Um...what about Le Meurice?" I said.

"You mean that expensive restaurant an hour away from here?"


"I don't know Sakura.  I know both of you are rich but that restaurant is voted the second most expensive restaurant in the world."

"I know that's why he's going to pay for the food and I'll pay just to get in." I said in a matter of fact tone.

"Ok then but if it back fires-"

"It won't!" I said interrupting her.

"Whatever you say forehead I'll do the reservations later."

"Don't call me that pig!"

"Then don't call me pig!"

"That's what your name means!"


"Yeah thought it was."

"Whatever forehead in leaving." She said turning her back in me and walking towards the door. I quickly got up and sprinted towards her.

"Wahh!" Ino said surprised at me. I grabbed her hand.

"Wait... I need you to help me with what in going to look like." I said while looking down blushing and biting my bottom lip. Ino smirked.

"Why so you can look good for your future husband?" My face went completely red now.

"What n-no its j-just t-that I-" "Haha look at you stuttering like Hinata."

"S-shut up Ino." I growled with my face becoming even not red than before if its possible.

"Hahahaha ok ok now lets make you bloom into a beautiful flower!" She said with a smile. She then dragged me all the way through the hospital to her car. As we passed by I could hear the employees say things. Some of the things they said was 'Where is she going now' or 'I bet shes going to see Mr. Uzumaki' and 'Oh I wonder if Mrs. Haruno and Mr. Uzumaki are together'. When I heard that one I tried so hard not to smile at that comment. But then it got me thinking. Does everybody think we're dating? I mean it would make sense since he comes to my office every day of the week.

.....'Omg'.....  "Sakura we're here!" She excitedly exclaimed.

"Ok but Ino-" I got cut off.

"Ok now we're going to have to find you a fancy revealing but poised dress."

"But-"Come in forehead get a move on!" She yelled already halfway up to the mall. 'How the heck she get up there so fast!?'

"I'm coming I'm coming." I mumbled under my breath.

Two hours later~

"What about this one?"

"No" I said full of boredom.

"Aww come on Sakura you've been saying no for the last two hours." She said whining.

"Well that makes two of us."

"What?" Well you've been ignoring me trying to talk to you about what I want to wear tomorrow night."

"...O-oh I'm...I'm sorry I was just excited...I just got carried away." Ino said.

"Hey its ok I mean I need your assistance most of the time with girly clothes."

"Thanks...say what kind if dress do want?" She asked me.

"Hmm I want a white long plain dress." I said with my finger on my chin.

"R-really...plain....really?" She said with a blank expression.

"Yes." *sigh* "I guess we could look for some since its your date."

"Date this isn't a -" I got cut off.

"Come on lets find a dress for you. So we searched and searched until I came across a beautiful white dress with a short in the front and long in the back bottom.

"Hey Ino!"


"I think I just found my dress."

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