chapter 15

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Sakura pov next day~

"Ms. Haruno your patient is ready for you now."

"Ok I'll be right down in a minute I just have to finish this paperwork." I was almost done with my paperwork when I had gotten an email. I was debating on reading it now or later and in the end I chose to read it now. When I opened the email I knew exactly who it was.

"I'm surprised that he can even bounce back after what dirt I found."

'Dear Haruno Sakura, I know that you know about what I did a few years ago but don't think you got me just yet. You see I own one of the most successful business in Japan where as you have only a hospital. So I can make you disappear and make it look like a suicide attempt or accident because we both know I have personal experience with that. So you see I would like to go over more stuff so we can be clear on what's going to happen. So I would like to have lunch to discuss this topic. And please control yourself this is a very public place so don't eat like the troll you are. Sincerely, Uzumaki Naruto.'

"Ugh he's getting on my last nerve and everybody knows I have bad nerves. I guess I'll go to see what he'll plan next. I should keep my guard up to of he tries something.

'Ha he thinks he can scare me with this pitiful threating letter he really needs to get that I'm not selling my hospital!'

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