Chapter 9

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Sakura POV

I found myself waking up to the beaming sun shining in my face. After yesterday I felt like today is going to be magical so I hopped out of bed and began my morning routine. When I got done ,since I don't come into work today, I'll just walk around town.

So with that being said I put on a black shirt, light blue Jeans, a light black bowler hat, a black jacket, a black purse and  black short combat shoes. Then I put on a red lipstick and left my hair down and left my face makeup free. I walked out of my 4 story house to meet a little spring breeze.

"Ah such a beautiful day today!" And it was. For the rest if the day I walked around town trying new places and food I've never heard of.

"Man its getting hot out here." I said fanning myself but just as I said that I spotted Baskin Robbins. As I entered I didn't notice two other familiar faces here.

Sasuke pov

"Come on Sasuke I've been craving Baskin Robins all day." whined Karin.

"Yeah but there are other ones closer to our house." After I got out the hospital we decided that it would be best to live together since she's pregnant.

"Yeah but I've been going to this place before we even met.."

"Ugh fine come on." I said while holding the door for her. I didn't want her to add whining to her already bipolar mood swings. As she continues to find a spot I order our Ice cream then say back down. As I say down I saw Karin staring at someone.

"Who are you staring at?" She pointed right behind me and I saw.... Sakura Haruno. As we both looked at her she spotted us and smiled.

"I didn't expect you to be here."

"Whose your friend!" She asked

"This is Ka-". I got cut off.

"I'm Karin Uzumaki his fiance." She froze.


"Yes I'm Naruto's cousin. You might've heard of him? He's the one who-" Sakura finished her sentence.

"Takes over businesses and turns them into law firms...teach. I know him." Sakura reached into her purse and gave us an envelope. "...Well since you know him could you give him a message for me?"

"Um sure " Karin said. What did it say?

"Thank you and have a good rest of the day you two." She said as she left. Karin then opened the letter and read it.

"Karin..what does it say?" I asked curious if the letter.

"We have to talk to Naruto now." She said quietly as she grabbed my hand and her ice cream. I wonder what it said?

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