Chapter 30

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Third person pov

The next day Naruto and Sakura spent the whole day together at the amusement park since it was in town. It was their first official date. Naruto had found online about the park so he thought why not. Lets see what's going on.

Sakura pov

"Ok we're here now so what ride do you want to go on Sakura chan?" Naruto asked.

"Um...ooh that one!" I said pulling him towards the ride.

"The Ring Of Fire?!"

"Yeah besides it looks fun." I said smiling. He sighed.

"Fine but after this it's my pick." He said following right behind me to the line.

"Fine with me." We waited in line for about 10 minutes before we got to the guy that's directing the ride.

"Let me see both if your arms please." The dude said. We did as told and went on the ride. We were in the first row of the rollercoaster like ride so it can be more thrilling.

"So what's the point of this ride anyway?" He asked.

"Well it looks like we're suppose to go in circles."

"Ugh so boring why did you pick this one Sakura chan?" Naruto whined. I was going to answer but then the ride started.

The ride started out a little slow but soon went fast. Soon enough I heard Naruto's high pitch screaming in my hears.

"Ahhhhh!" He screamed.

"Hahahaha woo hoo!" I laughed and screamed. I kept screaming but immediately stopped when we stopped in mid air.

As for Naruto he kept screaming holding on to me in the processes.

"Naruto isn't this fun haha!" I giggled.

"No!" He answered frightened. We then went full force into two more circles and then slowed down and stop. As soon as we stopped, Naruto was the first person to get off and ran down the steps while I just took by time.

"Sakura chan why did you have to pick that one!?"

"What happened to it being boring Naruto?" I said with a smirk and one eyebrow up. "

S-shut it." He said then dragged me to the next ride.

"Ok so where are we going now?" I said.

"Hmm....lets go to that one." He said pointing to a small ride.

"What kind a ride is this?" "Its called The Fireball!"

"Are you sure Naruto I mean,you did scream a lot on first one." I said with a smirk.

"Oh trust me I won't this time believe it!" He said with his thumbs up smiling that adorable grin. I blushed a but and giggled at his cuteness.

"Ok let's go." I said as I extend my hand. He blushes and hesitates a little but grabbed it. We both blush and smile as we walk to it hand in hand. We find our selves waiting in line for 20 minutes standing behind a blonde women and a ginger haired man. They seem to be familiar but I push the thought to the back of my head...that is until...

"I'm hungary." The man said.

"Well get some food, I'll save your spot but you ain't going on the ride." The blonde said.

"Ugh fine I just want some food." He said then left the women. She then turned around a little.

"Forehead what a surprise to see you here." Ino said slightly turned around.

"O-Oh hey Ino w-w hat are you doing here?" I her stuttering a little.

"I'm just here with Choiji enjoying a day off ." She then looks at Naruto and then our hands. She smirks.

"So you guys finally dating huh." My face was red of embarrassment from my best friend.

"Haha, you could say that!" Naruto said with a little pink on his check. I then dragged Naruto to another ride. "Whoa!" He said.

"Have fun with your boyfriend forehead!"

"Ah b-boyfriend." Naruto said with a pink dazed face.

"Shut it you pig!" The rest of the day they ride a series of rides which included Naruto throwing up...a lot. They soon ended their date with one last ride which was........ The Fireball.

"Why did I agree to go in this with you ahhhhh!" I screamed.

"I don't know!" He screamed back.

This book is coming to an end in 5 more chapters :3

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