chapter 13 part3

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Third person pov two Weeks later...

After the funeral, Naruto started to plot his revenge on the last doctor bwho denied him.

He was also going through depression and many times thought about killing himself just to be with the people he loves but he knew better. So to cope with this pain he began to drink and started to distance himself from his friends and even his own flesh and blood. He wanted this doctor to feel pain. The pain he felt.

Time skip~

Naruto put in his shoes and coat and left for the hospital. Dr.Mcfarland was his name. He seemed like he didn't care for him or his mother at all. Now, he would have to pay.

He walked up to the front desk. "Hi I'm looking for Dr. McFarland? I was going to talk to him about my mom..."

"He's in his office sugar straight down then take a right then go straight then take left and it the first door you see."

"Thank you miss." He said and left. When he finally made it, he knocked on the door there times before e he heard and answer.

"Come in." Dr. McFarland said. Naruto came in and the doctor immediately had a friend upon his face. "Oh Mr. Uzumaki. I'm so terribly sorry for your lost...."

"Thanks..." He said rather dry and took a seat in front of his desk. "Did you actually care about her. About us?"

"O-of course I did. But I couldn't help you... Trust me I did want to but..."

"We're poor so you decided that that was a huge factor." Naruto said standing up once again.

'it is a huge factor but that was not my decision. I can't pay for every single person here that's broke. The hospital decides to help people. Not me." Dr. McFarland now turning towards him.

Naruto had once again started to form tears in his eyes as he walked closer. "I don't believe you.. "

"Well believe me because-" he stopped when he felt something sharp at his torso. "N-Now Mr. don't have to do this..."

"You took my mother away! You were our last hope and you just threw us out like we were trash... Like we didn't matter..." Tears started to fall down his eyes. "You made me feel pain McFarland... Unbearable pain!"

"Look I-I know what you're going through ok? I lost sonebt very close to me just this year... I was so angry at my self and the world for a while but I figured out that this wasn't the way to go. Please don't do this... This isn't going to help you case... Naruto."

Naruto was now full blown crying now. His hands were shaking and he untimely dropped the knife and hugged the doctor tightly. "I'm sorry I-"

The doctor took a breath of relief and hugged him back. "It's's ok."

"Please don't tell anyone.."

"I won't."

I know not that good right well this is my first book so....yeah comment (plz) and vote

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