chapter 22

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Naruto pov

'Ok Naruto just go in with with a straight face and focus on over objective. Here we go' I then walked into the hospital with my head held high looking as confident as ever. As I started to reach her office I suddenly felt uncertainty in the put of my stomach but at the same time felt whole?

'I should just ignore it.' Then I started to walk to her office again. I had finally reached her office and opened it to reveal her. She soon looked up from her computer surprisingly.

" you want now?" She said. "You know exactly what I came here for." as I said that she looked liked she blushed a bit. 'cute'

"For you to give me the lease for this hospital of course." Then her whole face turned red but full of anger.

"Really I've already told you you'll never haven't hospital you baka!"

"Oh but I will you see I've come to tell you to get ready in six weeks because I've bringing backup to take this hospital by force."

"Well guess what jerk I've got my team behind me too who packs quite a punch so you better get ready."

"Well alrighty then!" I said.

"Ok then!" She says.



"Look are you just going to stare at me or get out of my hospital?"

"Wha...oh well I was just seeing how my office was going to look after we strip it from your cold dead hands." That was a lie I was staring in her eyes too long and had to make up something. I then left with the same look I had when I came on but on the inside I was a nervous reck.

'Aw man did she notice I was looking into her eyes? Did she know when I was even looking at her a certain way? Ugh I need to go home and call Sasuke.' I then continued to walk to my Bugatti and dialed up Sasuke.

Sakura pov

"Ugh" I say while my hands are sliding down my face.
"Why does he have to be so cute and evil?"

"I wonder of what am I thinking?" I said with a hint of doubt in my voice. "Why did I have to kiss that idiot....and like him a little bit after?" I groan and slumped in my chair.

'I wonder if he noticed me blushing a bit? I hope not but I did notice he was staring at me and not the wall.'

'Maybe he does lik-' My thoughts had gotten cut off by the hospital phone. "Hello?"

"Sakura I just saw him walking out of the hospital what happened?" Ino said with a hint of excitement to her voice.

"Um nothing much-"

"Ugh" she said while interrupting me.

"Hey pig can I finish please!" Before she could say anything I continued.

"But I did notice him staring at me for a moment and I actually felt...different."

"What kind of different feeling?"

"Well it felt like I was...complete and I haven't felt that feeling since...since he died."

"Wow you must really like him to feel that kind of way."

" I don't know I mean he just threaten me to get his people in six weeks to take the hospital by force so..."

"Well maybe you need to get to know him better I guess."she said.

"Mmhm yeah bye."


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