Chapter 10

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Karin pov flashback~

' I know what you did a few years back and I also know what happened to his guardian that night in fact so listen closely, if he puts out that past information about me this goes out as well."

End of flashback

I can't believe could she find out that he..he.. "Karin what did sakura say in that place?" He asked me that same question five times now.

"......" I stayed silent letting him know to not expect an answer until we get to Naruto's house. As we finally got there my stomach started to hurt a little.

"Gah!" I cried out in pain, clutching my stomach. Then I realized that this stress was bad for the baby.

"Karin!" Sasuke ran to my side.

"I'm....I'm alright... Its just some stress is all..." I said forcing a smile.

"Is the baby...alright?" I nodded my head.

"Well you wouldn't have all this stress if you would tell me what's wrong..." He said kinda coldly. Maybe i should tell him so I should go home and sleep the stress off. I do not want to lose this baby!

"I'm sorry babe...I'll tell you then I'll go home." So I told him what she said to me.

"H-How does she know about-"

"I don't know but its important we tell him."

"Ok I'll call a cab for you get home safely." He said then kissed my forehead.

"I will."

Sasuke pov

How could she had possibly known. We made sure to keep it hidden. I then knocked on his door and moments later he came looking like trash.

"O-Oh hey teme what's up?" He said while grinning his signature smile.

"I have some bad news Naruto." He must've heard the seriousness in my deep voice.

"Well...What is it?"

"Well...Haruno Sakura found out about...the incident from a few years back..."

"...What...but...but how I mean we made sure everyone forgot about it! They said they wouldn't tell!"

"Well apparently not because she found out. She also said that if you release those past info and articles then she'll expose this too."

"Oh can't let this information get our it'll ruin mine and the law firms reputation." Just as he said that he had gotten a phone call.


"Oh hey Shika..." He said trying not to sound furious.

"We needed you at the office to sign some more paperwork. It's due by tomorrow so you might as well start today."

"What?" He said in a low growl like voice.

"Well I'll see you back at the office later." He said and hung up.

"...That Haruno isn't going to ruin my reputation I worked so hard for!" He said in an low voice.

"So what are you going to do?" I ask him.

"I'll just have to try a different approach..."

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