Chapter 26

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Third person pov

Today was the day. Today was the day of the 'meeting' for both Naruto and Sakura. Lets see how they're doing shall we.

Naruto pov

"Ok now all you have,to so is pick her up from the hospital, take to the restaurant she picked and try and get some information out of her." After I said that left my bugatti and went straight into the hospital. There weren't many doctors around since its night so I just walked straight to her office. When I walked in there I saw the most beautiful person I've ever seen before. I mean I've seen some pretty girls but this one takes the cake.

'Wow...shes so beautiful...'

She was wearing plain all white short in the front long in the back wavy dress with her hair comb over to one side looking wavy. She also wore pink lip gloss and eyeliner and mascara. I think I stared too long because I felt my own drool coming out of my mouth. She didn't notice me until she felt someone staring at her and faced me. Luckily I wiped off my drool before she noticed me.

"Well you look....decent." 'What the heck is wrong with me I should of said beautiful!'

"You look decent too." Sakura said.

"Well...shall we go?" I said.

"Um yeah lets go." She said leading the way as I hold the door open for her. We make our way to the car and got in.

"So where are we going?"

"We are going to the Le Meurice restaurant two blocks away from here." She answered.

"Hey wait that restaurant is expensive I don't want to pay for the food since we both know you eat like a pig!" 'Stupid why did I say what I was thinking!'

"Well excuse you, I said that I was going to pick and I did so drive boy!"

"Whatever..." I said in defeat. *gasp* 'That flowers Karin gave me!' "Hold on before we leave here." I said stretching to the back seat to get the flowers. I grabbed them and have them to her.

" much." She said while blushing.

"Ok now we can go." I said then pulled off. It took twenty to thirty minutes to get there but we did. I got out,if the car and went to the other side and opened the door for her.

"I didn't think you were a gentlemen."She said surprised at my action.

"I didn't think you would look so beautiful tonight so..." I said unknowingly.

"What was that?" She said. 'Crap I did it again!'

"Uh n-nothing I didn't say anything." I said stuttering a little.

"Uh huh...lets go then." She said.

We walked into the restaurant and I'll tell ya it was nice. It was white and gold with a beautiful chandelier hanging in the middle of the dinning tables. We walked up to the receptionist and requested our table. The receptionist then walked us to our table which was by the window. We then say down and started to talk while waiting in the menu.

Sakura pov

'Oh man I didn't expect him to look so hot! Its ok Sakura just take big breath try not to stare into his eyes.'


"......." 'Talk to him!'

"So..." I said.


"Is this your first time going out to a restaurant without it being business?" I said.

"No I haven't actually its my first time doing this I guess." He said.

"Is it your first time Sakura?" He said "Um no it isn't actually." I said

"Oh really?"


"So you went out with your friends or parents...?" He said questionably

"Boyfriend." I said quickly.

"Boyfriend?" He said a little surprised.

"Hey its not that hard to believe ya know."

"Hey I'm just surprised you had a boyfriend....did he break up with you or..?"

"Neither...he's...he's dead." I said sadly.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't-" I cut him off.

"No its ok...he was the only guy that didn't try to get in my pants ya he had trouble bringing out his inner emotions."

"Oh." I said listening to every word.

"Yeah his name was Sai...he died protecting me from these people and..." I said sadly then I slowly started crying. All of a sudden I felt his hand in my cheeks wiping away my tears. I looked Awww t him a little surprised.

"Why did you do could have just handed me a napkin?"

"I don't know I guess...its just reflexes besides...a beautiful girl shouldn't have to cry." He said with a smile.

"And hey he's in a better place now and...I kinda know how you feel trust me." He said comforting me. 'I guess he has a heart after all.'

Third person pov

So the rest of the night they laughed and comforted each other the whole night. They had stayed there talking and finding out more about each other.

Naruto had gotten so caught up in entertaining Sakura that he forgot why he was even there. Sakura also forgot why they were there too. Turns out Naruto is actually a big goofball full of sunshine and Sakura a girl that's head strong but knows how to have fun. And in that night they had finally (thanks the lord Jesus) fallen completely in love with each other.

Longest. Chapter. Ever.~

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