Chapter 6

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Naruto pov dream~

I found myself doing paperwork in my office until suddenly... "Hey there's someone here to see you." Kiba said.

"Send them in." This better be good because I have a lot of paperwork to do today. Then when my office door opened it was the last person I expected to see.

"Well well well....what are you doing here?" I said a little surprised to see her here.

"To see you of course." She said coming close to me.

"Why?" I said sitting down at my desk. "I mean you said you were throwing up a lot and said you were taking a sick everything alright?" I said feeling concern for my wife.

"Actually there is something wrong I-" She started to say but I cut her off by hugging her tightly.

"Sakura chan don't worry well get granny to heal you I promise everything is gonna be ok!" I said. She then got a little annoyed and hit me in the middle of my head.

"Baka I'm not dying or anything just listen to me!" She said yelling at me while I cover my head.

"Sorry Sakura chan" I said.

"Ok Naruto...I'm...I'm pregnant...." Sakura said looking away while blushing.


"Naruto did you hear me...your going to be father." Sakura said to me. As soon as she said that, I hugged her and while spinning her around saying "I'm gonna be a daddy!" He then put her down and got close to kissing her.

"Ahhhhh"! Naruto said waking up in bed full of sweat. "What the heck?" He said. He then looked around and realized It was only a dream. "Maybe a shower will clear my mind of this." He mumbled and then went to take a shower.

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