Chapter 1

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Sakura ~

"Get him to the ER he's in critical condition"! I yelled to my staff. "Hey hey stay with me bud your going to be ok now what's your name?" I said. I'll keep talking to him so he can stay awake.

"M-my name is.....S-Sasuke." He said struggling a little.

"Ok Sasuke can you remember what happened to you?" I asked. He shook his head slowly. "Well you had gotten hit by a car okay." I said. "You have a couple of broken ribs, a broken leg a sprang wrist, and a dislocated shoulder." I told him.

"Am......I going to die"? He asked me. He looked very scared but wouldn't anybody be?

"No not as long as I'm here with my staff." I said with determination. We finally arrived in the ER room. We made sure he was stable before we did any kind of surgery on him. Once that was done we prepare for the surgery. As we prep, my partner and best friend came in.

"What is it Ino we're about to operate on Uchiha Sasuke." I said.

"There's someone here to see you Sakura." She said in a serious tone.

"Who ever it is tell them to come back later." I said. I wasn't about to leave my patient for someone unless it's really serious.

"Oi it's the guy that takes over companies." She said. This caught my attention. I wonder what he wants with me?

"Ok ok I'll go see what's up." I said taking off my gloves.

"Start the operation without me. you've been in enough training to know what to do." I said. They've all been in my training field for about three years so I'm confident they could do this.

"Right!" They all said at the same time. I went to my office to were he was waiting for me.

"Hello miss Haruno my name is Uzumaki Naruto pleased to meet you."  He said holding his hand out. I looked at him and scanned his appearance. He had bright yellow hair, sky blue eyes, and fox like whiskers. I'm guessing those are birthmarks.

  "Haruno Sakura pleased to meet you too now get to the point." I said kind of coldly. I didn't have time to talk right now especially to this clown.

"Since you want to get right to it here it is." He said. He then pulled out a document from his coat pocket.

"What is this?" I asked. I soon regretted asking the question.

"Its a contract stating the you'll give over your hospital to turn it into a law firm." He said with a smile.

"What? I'm not giving up my hospital for the government to make a law firm who the hell do you think you are!" I shouted at him.

"Naruto Uzumaki, famous for taking down companies no matter how big or small... But who are you?" He said with authority.

  "My name is Sakura Haruno owner of this this hospital and the best doctor in the country, and how about you get your butt out of my hospital." I said. I ripped the paper up and threw it in his face. As the pieces of papers were falling down, by the look of his face he looked furious but tried to stay calm.

"Look lady I don't like you either so let's make a deal," I looked at his as if this was a joke. "You'll sign the papers tomorrow when I come back or I'll break you and your here." He said with discuss.

"Like hell I would sign those papers now go to hell!" I said. Hey he deserved it even if it was harsh.

"Watch your mouth". He said while coming close to my face. "I'll be back you big forheaded troll." He smiled as he said that.

"You little..... " I then tried to punch him but he blocked my attacks.

"Your good but I'm better". He said. He then pushed me back and put his leg out and tripped me.

" are better then me." He then tried to help me up but when I grabbed his hand I pulled him down and gave him an upper cut. "Ugh"! He said then stumbled backward the grabbed Hes stuff then fled but not before glaring daggers at me.

"Heh hes better than me at being stupid." I said. I got up and sighed to myself. "This was the most irritating day ever." I said.

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