Getting bound

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Patricia's POV

"NO!" this could NOT be happening "YOU CAN NOT DO THIS!" I was getting angry, really angry.

"Yes I believe I can miss Williamson, your little antics are getting way out of hand. This is the only way I feel I will get any response from either of you." Mr Sweet looked from me to Eddie, who surprisingly, had nothing to say.

"Don't you think it's a little bit inappropriate? especially with all of Victor's stupid rules!" I was desperately trying to worm my way out of this stupid punishment. It was totally unreasonable. Not to mention unrealistic. I looked towards my boyfriend for help, Sweet was his dad, surely Eddie could get us out of this.

"Uh. Dad, this is a little bit unrealistic don't ya think?" He was pleading, begging, just like me.

"Please Mr Sweet, it's stupid, can't we just have detention for a year or summin'?"

"This is not up for negotiation. You two will be tied together by the wrist for 48 hours straight, maybe then you won't want to spend so much time together." He was serious. There was no way out of this, so now for the next 48 hours I would be attached to Eddie. Great!

"Dad this is ridicules! What is this even going to achieve?" Eddie was just as mad as me.

"Reverse phycology. I heard it works." Sweetie went into his top draw and got out some silver handcuffs and locked my left wrist to Eddie's right. I couldn't stop thinking of how we got into this situation. My back pressed up against Eddie's bedroom door, his hands roaming freely up my thigh and lingering at my waist, his thick lips kissing my neck and working there way down to my shoulder. My hands were gripped so tightly in his hair I think I nearly pulled it all out. That was until Victor walked past the window and caught us making out, breaking one of his many rules regarding physical contact, then he ratted us out to Sweetie, landing us this very abnormal punishment.

We left Mr Sweet's office in silence, bound together by our wrists and made our way back to home. I'm sure Alfie and Jerome would have some sarcastic comment on this - along with most of Anubis house.

Bound to you. (a Peddie story)Where stories live. Discover now