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Patricia's POV

I couldn't sleep. CJ was lightly snoring in her cot, lay still, looking more and more like Rufus every time I lay eyes on her. She was Rufus' child, through and through. I couldn't bare to look at her. How could Eddie do this to me? Why would he lie?

It was 11am and CJ was sleeping in Amber's arms. I hadn't spoken to Eddie since last night, he was sat on the sofa he slept on last night sulking. He knew he had done something wrong and knowing me and Eddie, neither of us would back down first. we were far too hot headed to admit defeat.

He walked out of the front room and into the hallway, wiping his face with his hands with disappointment at himself. It took everything I had not to run over into his arms and cry. I loved him so much it was unbearable, i couldn't live without him - yet i don't think i could ever forgive him for lying to my face.

I walked over into the hallway where he stood, releasing the clasp on his nana's locket. I stood in front of him, neither of us wanting to back down but still wanting to jump into each others arms in defeat. "Patricia i..." he started, his sentence stopping as i took his hand and placed the locket in it.

"I don't deserve this." i told him. "This doesn't belong to me."

I walked away from him.

Eddie's POV

How could I have been so stupid? How could I have let her walk away from me? Patricia and CJ were my life, i loved them both more than anything in the world.

I didn't want Patricia to find out CJ was Rufus', not because i wanted to hurt her, but because i loved her and our child. OUR child, because no matter what, Cara was MY daughter, wether she came from my sperm or not, i would never think of her as anything but mine.

If only Patricia could understand.

I only lied to protect her, I knew she wouldn't cope knowing CJ was Rufus' and i didn't want to put her through that! Cara would always be my child in my mind so why not make it easier for everyone and say she was biologically.

I had to make Patricia understand. So i followed after her into our bedroom.

"Yacker!" i called as she tried to slam the door in my face, i wedged my foot in the way, forcing her to open it. "Please let me explain." i begged. "Just give me a minuet."

"You have one minute. Then you have to leave." she told me, folding her arms.

"i'm so sorry I lied but i did it for you! I saw that CJ was Rufus' and knew you wouldn't cope well, i didn't want you to see our child everyday knowing she came from Rufus. I said she was mine because no matter what the results were, she always would be. Cara is MY daughter, even if she isn't biologically. I didn't want to put you through the pain of having Rufus' child so i lied and I'm sorry that i did but I knew I had to for you." i explained frantically, aware of the seconds ticking by. "Please take the locket back, i told you why i gave it to you, all the feelings i felt about you. They have never - and will never - change." i passed her back the locket and she put it on silently. "Please forgive me Yacker. I can't live without you." i said getting closer. Tears began to form in the corner of her beautiful eyes.

She didn't say anything, she just wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me down to her height, kissing me deeply. I pulled her waist closer to mine, wrapping my arms tightly around her torso and deepening the kiss even more. I pulled away slightly "I guess i can stay longer than a minuet?"

"You can stay as long as you want." she replied. "your the father of my child." i pulled her back to my lips and we kissed for what seemed like a lifetime. Thank god I had my Patricia back, nothing could tear us apart. And nothing could take away our perfect little family, just me, patricia and cara-jane, together forever.

At least that was what we thought.

Patricia's POV

I woke up to the sound of a photo frame falling from the shelf by my bed. That frame wasn't there before. I shook Eddie, waking him up and picking up the photo frame. I knew what this was.

Eddie woke and took the frame from me, ripping the back off and revealing a note taped to the back of a picture of me, Eddie and CJ. I knew it was from Rufus, who else would send a note to me like this? Only one problem, it was in Egyptian again. We ran to Fabian's room and burst through the door, waking the guys up.

"Fabian I just got another note from Rufus!" i screeched. "Translate it!"

"Okay, go back to bed and I will try." i said grouchily, taking the note from me. Eddie and I traipsed back to our room. To shocked to speak.

"What does Rufus want this time?" eddie asked rhetorically.

"I don't know but it can't be good. Does that guy ever actually die or is he part cat?" i also asked rhetorically, making Eddie laugh slightly.

"We will work it out. We always do." he said pulling me into a sideways hug, kissing my hair. We walked back into our room and i went over to cara's cot, another problem.

"Eddie." i said. "Cara's not in her cot."

Where the hell has my baby gone?

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