Asking questions

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Patricia's POV

Jerome had just took away the empty plates from course 2, just dessert left now that was entitled 'Chef Alfredo's Amazing Amazement Dessert' informative. Eddie and I had been making small talk all night, subconsciously aware that Jerome, Alfie and Fabian were in the next room. Then i remembered something. "What did your mum want earlier with you and Sweet?" i asked taking a sip of my sparkling apple juice.

"Oh nothing, just wanted to check up on us. You know what moms are like." he remarked.

"yeah, Beth rings me every week to check up on me." i said in return.

"Beth?" He quized. "You call your mom by her first name?"

"Oh no, Beth isnt my mum, I wish she was." i told him. "Beth is Jerome's mum, she was my mums PA from before Jerome and I were born until we were 12, she still lived next door though." I explained. Eddie looked at me confused, asking for more information. "My parents are workaholics and they never really had time for Me and Piper or our older brother Joshua but Josh and Piper were happy to play in there rooms alone, but i like to play outside with Jerome so Beth always looked after me since she was always at our house working, she soon became the mother i never had." i explained. "thats why Jerome and I are close, he's like an annoying older brother to me, and Poppy is like my sister, im closer to Poppy and Jerome then I am to Josh and Piper." i told him.

"that explains a lot!" He said as Jerome walked in with two bowls.

"One for Master Eddison." He said placing Eddie's bowl down. "and one for my annoying little sister." he said as he place my bowl down and left the room, i laughed slightly at his remark.

We tucked into our bowl of chocolate something, who knows what, it was nice though. "any more secrets?" Eddie asked.

"loads, what do you want to know first?"

" experience of your life?" He asked.

"not quite sure, maybe saving the word twice. What about you?"

"holding my baby sister for the first time and she grabbed my finger and smiled. That was pretty surreal." he answered. He had told me before about his sister Macey, When Eddie was 9 his mom went on a business trip to England and bumped into Mr Sweet and they had a one night stand, leaving Eddie's mom pregnant with macey who looked just like Eddie from what I could tell from the pictures of her Eddie has on his phone. Macey was 7 now. "Who is the most important family member to you?"

He asked, i had a feeling this would go on for a while.

"my neice Sarah, she means the world to me, especially since her mum Ashely got ill." Ashley was Josh's wife and mother to his 5 year old daughter Sarah, she was ill with something unknown and incurable, now just living life to its fullest. I was Sarah's favourite aunt and i loved her to bits. "what about you?"

"Macey, we have been through a lot together." he replied quickly. "next question" he stalled. "worst memory that has haunted you ever since?" oh crap, i didnt want to say this one.

"i dont quite understand what you mean, why dont you go first!"

"okay, umm, probably telling my dad i never wanted to see him again, i could never decide if i did the right thing or not. Guess that doesnt haunt me anymore but it used to." he was being to honest, i had to tell him. I finished my dessert and sat up straight, taking a sip of my drink.

"Very nearly getting raped by Rufus Zeno when he kidnapped me 2 years ago." i said awkwardly. He looked slightly scared for me. "I got rescued in time so nothing happened, he never touched me or anything, he just wanted to and was about to try to the day i got rescued. That kinda why i'm a bit reluctant to have sex." i told him trying to shake off the memory. "lets change the subject!" i exclaimed.

"good idea."

"favourite childhood memory?" he soon forgot the confession about Rufus, and I was glad of that.

"IT IS TEN O CLOCK, YOU HAVE FIVE MINUTES PRECISELY THEN I WANT TO HERE A PIN...DROP!" Victors voice bellowed through the house, Jerome, alfie and fabian scrambled out of the kitchen nodding to us as they left for bed, Eddie took my hand and we stood my the door into the hall looking at each other.

"i had fun tonight!" He said sweetly, smiling cockily at me,

"me too, thank you."

"anything for you" he placed a small and sweet kiss on my lips. "i love you"

"i love you two."

"You really do look stunning tonight Yacker." i smiled gratefully and Eddie placed a small and gentle kiss innocently on my neck. "I know Rufus is dead, but still, i won't let him hurt you." i laughed slightly at that.

"thank you." i said, kissing him slightly deeper on his lips, lingering there for a minute.

He laughed "night Yacker."

"Night weasel."

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