Rain kissing

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Patricia's POV

I stood in Sibuna clearing, hoping it would help clear my head, i had been so bombarded with information recently that my head felt overridden. All of the info was good, i mean i was pregnant, we weren't guilty for whatever crime we were accused of, there was no way Rufus was coming back, me and Eddie made up, but i was tired. Too much info for such sort of time.

I heard footsteps crunching over twigs behind me, signalising i wasn't alone. Normally i would be on guard but i felt the familiarness of the intruder, i could almost taste the warmth radiating between us. Eddie wrapped his arms around me from behind as i still stood arms crossed in the clearing in the woods, so much had happened here. Eddie kissed my ear and rested his head on my shoulder silently. We didn't need to say anything so we stood there in silence for what seemed like a lifetime - but in a good way.

Eventually i turned my body to face his, our bodies pressed tightly together, Eddie's arms were still around my waist while i wrapped mine around his neck. We stood like that for a while in silence, staring into each others eyes as if we could have a conversation through them, in fact it felt like we did.

I kissed him and we kissed for a while, stood alone in Sibuna clearing. When we broke apart i rested my head on his shoulder as if we were about to slow dance - which i think everyone knows is not our thing - this was a perfect moment.

"I'm pregnant." I whispered in his ear as i felt him smile. I added "again." For clarification. His smile only grew wider. "Your not gunna turn into Rufus now are ya?" I said jokingly as i pulled my head away to look at him, our bodies still close together.

"Nah, he isn't coming back anytime soon" eddie told me, still smiling. "Cara's gunna have a brother." He implied through his massive smile.

"Or sister." I corrected.

"Nah, its a boy, i can feel it!" He told me.

"Well i think its a girl."

"Wanna bet?" He asked laughing.

"Happily!" I explained "loser is on nappy changing duty for the first month." I proposed the bet.

"Deal." He said, shaking my hand. "You really are confident on this."

"You make me confident." I kissed him quickly.

"You keep me on my toes." He remarked.

"Careful, i might go get a jug of milk." I said, reminiscent of the time i poured milk over his perfectly spiked blonde hair.

We stood there in the clearing, giggling and kissing - remembering old times - until dinner time. We had come so far since the first time we met, i now know that maybe he isn't a patronising american - he is american though - an he is still sure i 'yack' a lot. He shouldn't have called me hermione that day.

"I love you Yacker." He told me as we walked back to the house.

"I love you more Weasel." I said. "I also hate you more than you hate me."

"I doubt that blabs. I really do hate you."

He kissed again as it started to rain.

It sounded cheesy but kissing in the rain was far more romantic than just kissing. Eddie gave me his jacket and we continued our journey home to our daughter and friends - or family i suppose.

A/N - hey so i tried to put a few memories of season one peddie in there. Hope i did an okay job xxx :D xxx

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