Nana's locket

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Patricia's POV

I woke up with my head on Eddie's chest, just like i had every morning for the past week, except this time was different, last night was different, although i didn't technically loose my virginity last night - unfortunatly that was taken by Rufus a long time ago - it still felt like I had just lost it, emotionally i did. And it was Eddie's first time too, he also lost his virginity last night. I bet my cheaks were glowing with a bright red blush, it was an amazing night, he started with gentle kisses and gentle touches, then things got more passionate. Best night ever. "Morning beautiful." i heard that grouchy morning voice i loved so much say.

"Morning Sleepy head." i said, turning to face him and propping myself onto my elbow. He did the same, we didnt say anything for a while, we just smiled widely at each other, sharing the same thoughts on last night, but then his gaze got more intense, as if he was trying to fry my brain with a single look. "Can i help you?" i asked, slightly worried by his stare.

"sorry, i was just wondering if now was time." he said, shaking off the laser stare.

"The time for what?" i asked.

"Just something, its kinda sappy."

"Well now is the perfect time to be sappy, you sap." i joked.

"I wanna tell you a story, about my mum's parents, my nana and grandad. Okay?" he asked me licking his lips nervously.

"Yeah, tell me." our faces were so close to each other, it was a comfortable distance, not too close but close enough that i could feel his breath on me as he sighed slightly relieved.

"So my nana and grandad were madly in love, for years and years, they met each other in school when my nana was 15 and my grandad was 17. They got married 3 years later despite everyone disapproving them being together, it didnt matter to them cause they were head over heals for each other, my nana says he was her soul-mate, the love of her life, the man of her dreams, she really loved him." he was nervous, i could tell, he licked his lips with nerves at every pause in the story and his palm was sweaty as he took my hand in his, returning to his story with a deep breath. "On their wedding night my grandad gave my nana a locket. It was gold and quite big with a red rose engraved onto the front, on the back he had it inscribed saying 'to the love of my life, you are my only true love, i am forever yours' and she never took it off, no matter what she was wearing this locket." Eddie started to stall, i gripped his hand tighter.

"Go on." I urged, this was such a sweet story but why was he telling me?

"Okay so, 4 years ago my grandad got really sick and was in hospital for a long time but nana never left his side, then when he passed away, she was broken, he was her everything." Eddie started to play nervously with my fingers. "Then that night my nana came to tell me he had died, and when she did, she gave me her locket and she told me that when i find a girl that i love as much as she loved my grandad, then i was to give her the locket, for her to always wear." he sat up and went into his bedside draw, pulling out a red velvet box, he opened it gently, revealing a locket just like he had described, i looked from the locket back up to Eddie. "Patricia Williamson, will you please wear my nana's locket?" holy crap! I didn't know what to say, i didn't deserve this, what if i lost it, what if i did wrong by Eddie. 'Oh shut up Patricia' i told myself, taking this was a promise to Eddie, i could do that, i felt the exact same way about Eddie as he had described, he was the love of my life, i smiled.

"I love you so much Eddie." i told him, kissing him quickly on the lips.

"Is that a yes?" he asked.

"I would love to!" he slipped the locket over my head, it sat nicely around my neck, the locket fell fairly low down, sitting in between my breasts. I kissed Eddie again until he eventually pulled away.

"I changed the pictures in it." he told me opening the locket, on the left was a picture of all of Anubis house from Amber's 16th birthday party a couple of months ago. Then on the right was me and Eddie, we were leaning in to kiss but the picture had been taken before our lips met, leaving it looking like were staring into each others eyes lovingly, it was a nice picture.

"Thank you." i told him.

"No, Thank you." He said, then he kissed me passionately, i would never take that locket off, ever.

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